two seeds didn't sprout


Active Member
Planted 8, all directly to soil method. 6 of those 8 sprouted 2-3 days ago, but the other two still haven't. I dug around in the soil and found the two, both had germinated just didn't grow out. Anything I can do to save them?

1x Starbud (hortilab)
1x GH1#1 (RD)


Well-Known Member
When you say they germinated, I assume you mean the shell cracked and the taproot ("tail") has emerged? Plant them and they'll grow. Some take longer than others. I've had some break surface in 8-10 hours, others have taken almost that many days.

If your seed has cracked and the taproot is visible, there is a very good chance the seed will take to the medium and grow. The hard part has already happened, now all it has to do is push through the soil.
Yeah, man just wait it out another couple-several days....especially if those seeds mean something to you ($$$). keep them moist.....and stop fucking with them;) The universe has a funny way of having most of the control over everything living or dead, though on occasion you're able to do a little seed surgery and save a sprout. especially after they've sprouted and they just can't seem to shake the shell. this can sometimes keep the first leaves from pushing out and they'll go yellow and die. but if you'd have just gone and got the clean, little-nose pliers you could have gently removed the shell and the plant would have survived and understood how to accept help......and now it owes you its life....and it knows this.