Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

so all of this "spying" was sanctioned by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court...and the only person who could possibly be liable is the FISA judge who granted the warrant...and i'm sure a judge appointed by the head of the supreme court is much more likely to be a criminal than trump and the clowns who work for him....all 11 members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court decided in 2013 to allow surveillance on Page, because they knew in 5 years he would go to work for trump....not because the f.b.i. presented them with sufficient cause to not only issue the warrant, but to renew it multiple times....


Well-Known Member
Wonder why Trumps opinion on that Mueller Report Changed so much in just a few days, doesn't that make the Trump supporters wonder. geez. One day he says Mueller report was a Great Report, "No Colousion, NO Obstruction" now that Barr let him Read it or I bet Trump had it read to him, Because he can't read.
Why are you not calling that out. Now the Mueller is the worst Thing ever done, It's like the old High School Shit the same old crap kids did when they didn't like something. Like a Child with no moral's or ethics.

A Broken Cabinet hold no Food. The guy that was going to have one the Best and Brightest LMFAO he can't keep nothing in order. Why is it a good thing he can't keep Cabinet members ?

Fuck him the only thing Trump has done is with the Swamp, Is not Drain it but he Swamped it. The Drain is officially Swamped.


Well-Known Member
Sure, bring a real charge against him, there must be plenty. No need to make up fake Russia stories.
You claim Clinton's case was inexplicably dismissed by the FBI. Two plus years of investigation, more than ten million dollars spent, Clinton herself spent and entire day testifying before Congress, Comey himself went before Congress to explain his reasons, yet you say "inexplicable" meaning it is obvious that she's guilty. Quite clearly your threshold of guilt is very low. Trump quite clearly passed that bar. By your own words and those of your fascist butt buddies that show your standard for guilt, Trump should be buried up to his head in an ant's nest and left to be consumed alive.


Well-Known Member

so all of this "spying" was sanctioned by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court...and the only person who could possibly be liable is the FISA judge who granted the warrant...and i'm sure a judge appointed by the head of the supreme court is much more likely to be a criminal than trump and the clowns who work for him....all 11 members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court decided in 2013 to allow surveillance on Page, because they knew in 5 years he would go to work for trump....not because the f.b.i. presented them with sufficient cause to not only issue the warrant, but to renew it multiple times....
The FISA application in question is the Oct. 2016 application on Page. The issue is not with the judges but with the FBI including unvalidated information without disclosing it was unvalidated. A FISA court no no. Suggest you read beyond CNN sources, the Hill has had the best reporting on this.


Well-Known Member
The FISA application in question is the Oct. 2016 application on Page. The issue is not with the judges but with the FBI including unvalidated information without disclosing it was unvalidated. A FISA court no no. Suggest you read beyond CNN sources, the Hill has had the best reporting on this.
Nah, not going to bother. You are a fucking liar.

After all the lies from this administration and you, I'm just going to consider the source as the best testimony on the subject and say you and everybody else making this claim is lying.


Well-Known Member
After all the lies from this administration and you, I'm just going to consider the source as the best testimony on the subject and say you and everybody else making this claim is lying.
Well then it shouldn't be a problem that Barr is looking into it, should it?


Well-Known Member
Well then it shouldn't be a problem that Barr is looking into it, should it?
Barr said it in his summary report. There are tons of evidence showing Trump's involvement. But not enough to convict, because the legal standard for conviction is very high. I get it.

Yet you keep saying Clinton was guilty when the same legal standard said she violated internal policies and any other person who did the same would be reprimanded. So, your and your fascist butt buddies have a low bar for guilt. Sword cuts both ways. Why aren't you clamoring for Trump's head? Oh wait.

We paid for it, we deserve to see the full report and all the evidence.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
The FISA application in question is the Oct. 2016 application on Page. The issue is not with the judges but with the FBI including unvalidated information without disclosing it was unvalidated. A FISA court no no. Suggest you read beyond CNN sources, the Hill has had the best reporting on this.
You mean the FISA application that was applied for after Carter Page left the administration and was found to be working for the Russians?
The same FISA court order that was reviewed by 4 lifetime judges all appointed by Republican Presidents?
You mean the FISA warrant that was also signed off on by Rosenstein ?
Bring facts or GO HOME