Tycoons 2011


Well-Known Member
harvested two of my redwood kushes and its excellent smoke and dense buds

my thai monster is coming along now buds are filling in finally:

puple kush is about ready to go:

purple MMMmmmMMM:

afgooey is getting too heavy to support the weight! next yr ill invest in some netting lol:

the big tall plant i had forgotten to water is now good hash makins :/ but she still lives!! this is a clone i took iff her bout 5-6 months ago and she's doin better then mama did:

grape ape nice, sugary and thick!:

anyone know if she'll turn purple or not? never grew grape ape but seen that it sometimes tends to turn purple? comments very appreciated :D


Well-Known Member
nice tycoon, that grape ape is a fine lookin bush. when u think that thai will finish up? should be some weight on that one.


Well-Known Member
the thai will b atleast another month til done. and im excited to harvest the grape ape here ina week or two jus got a lil more to go :-P


Well-Known Member
well past due for update, so i got maybe 2 lbs from grow this yr. my "partner" took most of the harvest behind my back so now i got just trim to pick thru :/ so nxt yr only partner ima have is my fiance. hoping to get a sping harvest in 2012 so i have some meds to medicate with without hurting my wallet lol. tried t make it to the bbq with my dad iamgman, he's a RIU member that went, but unfortunately my vehichle had broken down so i couldn't make it out to meet alot of you in person. but will try n make it to the spring bbq.