U can smoke with anyone...who?


Well-Known Member
OK first post, lets make it good! I think for this discussion it is a fair thing to exclude Bob Marley from the list of possibilities...just for the sake of maintaining SOME variety haha. So anyone in history, dead or alive, who would you shmoke with? (Bob Marley aside) Mine would be Tom Petty.


stays relevant.
I would smoke with fdd... so I could hijack some of his seeds and annoy his lady with the constant guitar playing. ;)

second to that... probably abe lincoln


Well-Known Member
Humm tough to choose just one person but prob Elbert Einstein or Leonardo Di Vinci or christina Ricci (but to be honest I would love to do anything with her lmao)


Well-Known Member
Daddy X from the Kottonmouth Kings.

Or the first person that ever smoked pot and got high from it( that dude musta smoked a lot of shit before finding ganja)


Active Member
johny ricther from Kottonmouth kings But it so hard to chosse then i would prolly smoke with jarry garcia!

But who wouldnt smoke with Bob marley