UB Topping and Pre Sexing

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok I have some Regular GDP ladies going. They are at 7th node and still in party cups. I left them in cups this long because I don't have the room to baby sit males so I gotta leave in cups till sex shows. I wanted to get 4 main colas with each. I was going to top above the 2nd true node and put topped cuttings in Aerocloner and put cloner in flower tent. Does this sound good? I have been growing GDP for almost 3 yrs and I have had only 4 out of about 35-45 show sex in veg. This go around I just don't have the time or space to wait long as I normally do for sex.

Spatula Boy

How long do you usually veg your plants for? Are they not sexing themselves because you dont veg them for very long? It seems odd to me that you would keep them in solo cups until they show sex if they usually dont show sex in veg. Am I missing something?

Maybe cut the light for a few days right where they sit and then put them back in veg? Not ideal, but neither is a solo cup grow....


Well-Known Member
Topping and other high stress training methods encourage root growth and will make your babies root bound and make the transplant more stressful. I would just LST


Well-Known Member
I was going to top above the 2nd true node and put topped cuttings in Aerocloner and put cloner in flower tent. Does this sound good?.
yes it'll work just fine for sexing them. They'll throw off pistils and balls just like they would if they were rooted. In the time being your other plants can get a good week or 3 of veg time. So it's perfectly safe to go along with what you're thinking. Done the same thing myself minus the aerocloner. Hell with a cloner you may luck out and get some fast roots to fill up the missing space of the males.


Well-Known Member
You should select a mother if youve been growing the same strain for four years. That tells me That you really like it (who doesnt its GDP) with a nice mother you would know what you're dealing with.. If your gonna do a solo cup grow i would go 12/12 from seed. Sog style. Do You transplant or leave them in the solo cups for the wbole life of the plant?