Uber Stealth Bubbleponics CFL White Rhino


Well-Known Member
So here's our (hopefully) girls. These are pics taken late last night so day 14, I'm adding nutes today these little plants have gotten al the nutrition they can get from the seed and now they are just converting all the energy they get from the lights to photosynthesis so they're HUNGRY.
This one had an issue popping out of Rockwool so shes smaller.

No issues from her sprouting.

No issues either from her sprouting

This girl's hypocotyl (the loop you first see when plant pokes out of grow medium)was showing but her plumule (first 2 round leafs of new plant) never emerged so I had to operate to get her to pop out.



Well-Known Member
hey love, what are your plans for dealing with the smell? ive found all fans that ive been able to get hold of are all pretty noisy and are no way stealthy even when used with a carbon filter...


Well-Known Member
hey love, what are your plans for dealing with the smell? ive found all fans that ive been able to get hold of are all pretty noisy and are no way stealthy even when used with a carbon filter...
We use a Fabreeze True Air. All you do is plug it in and its 100% silent. Never heard it. We grew our last crop not even being able to smell it from close by the closet. If you stuck your head inside you would smell something but it really did the job.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the febreeze true air post. I'll write that down, I knew there was a product that they sold but just didnt know the name. Also for 2 weeks your plants are looking gorgeous, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the febreeze true air post. I'll write that down, I knew there was a product that they sold but just didnt know the name. Also for 2 weeks your plants are looking gorgeous, keep it up.
Thanks! I was actually just about to update you guys on how they are all doing! We are still hoping that 1 will get bigger quicker so she will be caught up with her friends but whatever I'm sure she will be fine. Started out little beauties on nutes 1 tsp per gallon and we have 6 gallons. It's crazy just how fast they grow!

So happy with how they are coming along.


Well-Known Member
Day 19
So here we are with the plants as of 15 mins ago when pics where taken. I'm starting to feel bad about topping them since they look like they are developing so well.
I'm just not sure I can muster myself to cut them all not to even mention this is going to be my first ever topping, and I am seriously doubting myself at this point!
So if anyone has anything to add about topping I would love to here.
You think Topping really pays off or those 2/4 colas would equal the out comes of just one cola and do you think it adds a lot of extra veg time to the plants as well??


Elite Rolling Society
Topping definitely pays off.
Just snip those two baby leaves and 1/16 of the stem off the tops.


Well-Known Member
Topping definitely pays off.
Just snip those two baby leaves and 1/16 of the stem off the tops.

Do you mean the small red circle or the big red circle? Do I leave a little stem when I cut it? Do these not look old enough to cut it yet?



Well-Known Member
What about cutting at the 2nd node when they grow to 5 nodes which would you recommend for these plants. I remember you telling me that you did the 2nd node after waiting for them to grow to 5 nodes. for you crazy 13 main colas plant. I am not going for that at all I would go for 4 main colas MAX but would prefer 2. THANKS ROSE love to hear from you always!!!


Well-Known Member
Day 27
Here's the hopefully girls on the way to making us Chinese eyes. I cut the little new leafs at a 45degree angle on the 19th at 1:45am and took these pics today at 2:00am, so its been 2 days exactly. two days ago I added a duel fan exhaust system, each fan is rated to move 31.65 cubic feet of air per minute.
Then today I added instead of just a hole in the bottom of the system for air to be sucked into the cabinet, I just put in a intake fan, it is rated to move 34 feet per minute.
I cant wait to see how the new 2 main stems turn out on each plant except for plant 1 she wasn't tall enough so she is going all natural.
cant wait to post the 2 new main stems!


Well-Known Member
Its now day 28 since they first sprouted. The one that is stunted had an issue popping out of the Rockwool.


Well-Known Member
Looking good L1F. Looking good. Be patient with the stunted one's bro. Trust me on that. My last grow, the only one that made it was a stunted one that ended up yielding almost 4 oz (a lowryder of all breeds) at harvest. Had no signs of growth for 4 full weeks. By the looks of the other girls, you're gonna do just fine either way boss. Keep it up. You know you got a good grow going if you got Roseman checking it out.