Ugh. Hopefully over watered?

Noob grower1

Active Member
Just watered... Used to water every 48 hrs cuz of hps. I'll hotter than cfls I've been usin... I gave 1/4th 5.1.1 nuts cuz I nut lockout a week ago ish n flushed like crazy.. One of my plants look a lot more of a lime green... Why is this?


Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Lower your ppm . Note that the leafs "claw" inward. Soil usually has enough nutes for like a 3-4 weeks. Give them less nutes. Check your pH. This isn't over watered can be fixed. The leafs keep the claw look though although new growth will be normal. Next time you water test the run off pH and ppm.


Read thru this thread excellent info... the plants look overwatered. At that size i would water every 3-4 days max. I wouldn't worry about the ph soil is a good buffer. And lay off the flushing your just adding to your problems. You didn't provide alot of info re: age of plant, temps. ect. but 5-1-1 at 1/4 should not be causing problems unless there's already nutes in the soil (the plants aren't showing signs of of nute burn or over fertilization ie: copper colored necrotic spots, leaf yellowing, ect.). The first part of a plant to show moisture stress is the leaf at its margins and/or tips, reflected by margin rolling (cupping). Good luck.

Noob grower1

Active Member
Yep. Ph run off was a little low. Got it back up. Feed em n this mornin b4 I left for work took a peek at em and they were nice n perky. ;D woot woot. Big relief.