UK Changing Law To Islam


Well-Known Member
Parts of the uk are in the making of changing the law to the muslim law of islam

sounds crazy the local shp lifters will be getting stoned to death and all them cheating wifes too haha .............

But seriously it seems crazy the uk is a cristian country and has been for years ( not that that matters) it seems the terrorists have won and as a nation the uk is bending backwards to suit terriosts ?

They are lookin to change parts of the uk,s law to muslim islamic law
Cristmas has been destroyed and are childrens notivity plays now the 3 little pigs lol when does it stop

The law we have years have been fixed over thousands of years to have people treated with equality and with civil rights (could be better) But to bring in laws from a religion from another country to suit imergrents or terrorists is just crazy
u cant just change parts of a nation and have it like its own coutry in the middle of england with diffrent laws

it has the making of war, mybe even a civil war in years to come like the case in north of ireland
God only knows where you get your information from. some guy wanted some laws from the Sharia to be imposed into the U.K for things like people wearing head scarfs and whatnot. cuz at the moment a college or school has the right to say they cannot wear one and the islamists are unhappy about it. they wil never be able to impose a fully islamic judical system in the U.K, it will not work....Ever, all of us tax payers would rebell that shit to the end.


Well-Known Member
This is nothing more than China Town in America. UK is full of Islamic people and high concentration areas are better following Islamic law. It's only news worthy because people have a sad habit of equating Islam to terrorism.


Well-Known Member
This is nothing more than China Town in America. UK is full of Islamic people and high concentration areas are better following Islamic law. It's only news worthy because people have a sad habit of equating Islam to terrorism.
Do you even know what sharia law is? Or was this just a politically correct, knee jerk reply?


New Member
WTF are you on about people like me is clearing the way to let extremist tell you how to run your country?? It is the British Empire that had colonies the the middle east and that is why the are so many of them in your country. It is not the USA's fault the British Empire had colonies and allows them a free pass into your country. You should be pissed at your own law makers on this issue. Great Briton is still a democratic country isn't it?? Complain to your law makers and government or the Queen.
There you go talking about 100,s of years ago again the british empire is long gone its just england now and we are talkin about modern life

the law they want is accient evil and degrading to women and to introduce that islam law were its wrong for women to so flesh or what happens to them they desirve it would be very wrong or to kill are kids if the do not marry a man for honour to that family would also be wrong

And also no 1 has attacked the muslims or the islamic faith they have been attacking us for no reason bombing runing hovock making threats becouse childerns notivety plays are rasis to them

Scotland go blown up they are running hovock in australia and start roits becouse the want to were turpins while doing life gaurds lol spain got hit and if any other country speaks out they will get the same and now no 1 says nothing and gives them what they want ..


New Member
I couldn't agree more . You are exactly right. The problem is that the west has become too politically correct and is too worried about hurting the feelings or beliefs of those poor muslims. Give me a brake it makes me want to puke. Everyone needs to wake up. Their goal is to have a one world muslim government and they want to make all non-muslims there slaves. The extremist are even telling everyone this and no one wants to believe it. Wake the fuck up people. The extremist are not your friends they want to kill you and enslave you, that is their goal. Ask the president of Iran!! They are all still living in the seventh century.
In a nutshell :hump:


Well-Known Member
I don't know what everyone is talking about here. These are not changes in laws. They are a group of people giving themselves an alternative civil court. They still have to follow English law. They can be arrested and ticketed and given everything else police can do. They simply have another civil court that allows them to address matters according to their beliefs. There is really nothing fundamentally wrong with this or dangerous in any way.


New Member
No changes in the law yet it the fact that they are even siting talking about changing the law becouse of some people have diffrent beliefs , the only reason they are talkin about this is becouse the fear of attack thats how it is dangerous and to have diffrent law for diffrent people its just crazy the rastas would be allowed to smoke ganja if that were the case they w but no 1 else can lol the jews law cathloic law protisant law who ever else i left of would need a diffrent law
The only reason they are talkin about doing somthing so radical is becouse if they dont do it they will start bombing killing and promoting no other reason ....

and its the shear arrogants about it all that if u dont follow islam your unholy women are dirty and all that other rubbish i even seen a prog over here about this muslim saying that if the uk people turned to islam it would stop the yobb culture haha There streets are in a worse state and thats were most of the rapes on women come from ,

I know lots of muslims i would not walk past with out saying hello but if your holy you do that in your own personal space not to force other people to live by them laws and rules ......


Well-Known Member
I don't know what everyone is talking about here. These are not changes in laws. They are a group of people giving themselves an alternative civil court. They still have to follow English law. They can be arrested and ticketed and given everything else police can do. They simply have another civil court that allows them to address matters according to their beliefs. There is really nothing fundamentally wrong with this or dangerous in any way.
For now. Do you think this will be the end of it, or do you think it's just another step in the direction of complete sharia law for all muslims in the UK?


Well-Known Member
For now. Do you think this will be the end of it, or do you think it's just another step in the direction of complete sharia law for all muslims in the UK?
I personally don't think that will be allowed to happen. It opens up the flood gates for individual laws for different races and religious sectors. I don't see a problem with them having civil courts and mediators, but being allowed to violate the law of the country you live in is taking it a bit far.


Well-Known Member
If anyone wants an insight into the world into which radical Islam wants to lead us into, buy a paperback copy of Ayn Rand's "Anthem."

Better yet, here's where you can read it for free:

Anthem, by Ayn Rand. Read it now for Free! (Homepage)

If you study Islam and history, you will understand that there is never a policy of coexistence. It is always about Islam and Islam is not a gentle peaceful existence. Americans are fools for the simple thinking we show.

I had an Iranian friend named Mohammed. He has three brothers named Mohammed. Their father is a Christian and named each of his sons Mohammed to save their lives. Otherwise, they would have been killed because of their faith. What is now, is what has always been. Islam is about world domination.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't think that will be allowed to happen. It opens up the flood gates for individual laws for different races and religious sectors. I don't see a problem with them having civil courts and mediators, but being allowed to violate the law of the country you live in is taking it a bit far.
You're very naive.


Well-Known Member
I am with COD and believe this is a really bad idea for our country.

Its all well and good having seperate communities with different civil laws/ traditions etc, but what about people living in those communities who want to follow the British Laws and traditions as they are now? Will a lot of these people not be forced, by their culture and heretige, into following laws that might be oppressive to them (women for example).

If people want to CHOOSE to live by Sharia Law then they can CHOOSE to live in a COUNTRY that has Sharia law. But if people want to CHOOSE to like in the UK then people should respect British Laws and culture (which have taken hundreds of years to develope) just as I would follow Shria Laws if I chose to live in Saudi.


Well-Known Member
If you study Islam and history, you will understand that there is never a policy of coexistence. It is always about Islam and Islam is not a gentle peaceful existence. Americans are fools for the simple thinking we show.

I had an Iranian friend named Mohammed. He has three brothers named Mohammed. Their father is a Christian and named each of his sons Mohammed to save their lives. Otherwise, they would have been killed because of their faith. What is now, is what has always been. Islam is about world domination.
George Foreman named his kids George, Geogre, George, and Georgina. But that was just because he got hit in the head too many times.


Well-Known Member
I am with COD and believe this is a really bad idea for our country.

Its all well and good having seperate communities with different civil laws/ traditions etc, but what about people living in those communities who want to follow the British Laws and traditions as they are now? Will a lot of these people not be forced, by their culture and heretige, into following laws that might be oppressive to them (women for example).

If people want to CHOOSE to live by Sharia Law then they can CHOOSE to live in a COUNTRY that has Sharia law. But if people want to CHOOSE to like in the UK then people should respect British Laws and culture (which have taken hundreds of years to develope) just as I would follow Shria Laws if I chose to live in Saudi.
They do follow UK law, they just have separate civil courst for arbirition. Mormon peope have the exact same thing in the states. This is a silly thing to get so worked up about.