Ultra Klean "Ultra Pure" Synthetic Urine


Well-Known Member
Has anybody had any experience with this stuff, or know someone who has? I have been able to find several "reports" on the internet of this stuff being OK to use but, nothing very recent.

I have actually already taken my drug screen (pre-employment) with the synthetic urine, so I am just waiting really. I'm guessing if I DONT hear anything then that is good, it's not like they call you and say "Hey, you're piss was clean!" They call you to tell you you've failed.

I'm supposed to start a week from tomorrow. I will probably call the potential employer here in a couple of days and just kind of beat around the bush "I took the drug screen and did the background check last Wednesday. Is there anything left for me to do on my end?? Are we completely good to go, I'm supposed to be there on Monday?" Hoping to get a definitive "yes", thus being confirmation my drug screen was a success....I guess?