ULTRA SOUR T.H.SEEDS smoke report


Well-Known Member
Ye the piney in hazes that one can come across is from one of the sativa percursors used in haze or the northern lights from silver haze, if im not wrong. Purple haze is a bit of a myth strain in my opinion, I could create a purple haze without much problems by crossing it with querkle and back crossing and maybe some inbreeding. So could many others who have access to a strain that passes the recessive purple gene.
The OG craze is reminding me of the white widow craze in uk and holland backin late 90s. Everything was widow or crossed with widow. Though you guys over there have just mindblowing genetics and people who take their stoning seriously on the next level that i dont think we will ever really achieve in europe... I have great respect for the American stoner, great respect.
Id never seen that site but it looks very good and great with the reviews. However it doesnt have the coffeeshops in the outskirts more catered to locals. Those are the real dutch coffeeshops nowadays. They dont have many strains, but the odd one will have some weird ass shit that will send you off your tits noi questions asked. I also noticed the coffeeshop dynamics with the locals were very cool. Menus are totally moulded to the clientelle and the clienetelle have very big say on whether a strain gets brought on or not. They give out loads of samples of new stuff to the locals too. I kinda hate the city centre, but those have loads of variety of seed bank strains but are pretty dear too. Shit now that i remember! I had to leave the UK to smoke one of the best cheeses id come across. Im pretty fucking sure it was a blue cheese back crossed with cheese, the guy called it Boemer cheese (Farmer cheese) and it was unreal, That coffeeshop was kinda close to the centre but its not on that website for instance. If you wanna smoke the real good shit in amsterdam you either gotta know someone or just rent a motorcycle and cut about the outskirts like a dickhead looking for coffeeshops lol


bud bootlegger
yeah, i heard most of the locals hang out in damn, having a brain fart, but it's like right outside of amsterdam proper, why can't i think of the name of the town / city.. it's supposed to be only a few minute train ride from central station.. man, sometimes i hate being a stoner, lol.. harlem, is that what i'm thinking of?
umm, i went to belguim for the formula one race at spa francorchamps, and my hotel was in aachen, germany.. i had read up about coffee shops close to aachen, and i found out about maastricht.. so sunday night after the gp, i hopped on a train and headed off to maastricht.. it's much smaller than amsterdam, and way less coffee shops, but i roamed around up and down a few streets and found my first coffee shop, and smoked my first coffee shop bud.. idk if it was the fact that it was my first place or what, but it was one of my faves.. very small place, and not a big menu, but the "grass" was very good, and people were super friendly.. :D


bud bootlegger
and hey klite, what's your opinion on the canna scene in barcelona compared to say amsterdam? i know lahada was saying that barca is starting to get better then amsterdam for the fact that they are opening up tons of smoking clubs?? when i was there, in i think 07, i didn't see not a one such place that she was talking about.. obviously i could have missed them easily, not really knowing where to look specifically..
what seems odd to me is that these clubs seem to be private, and one would need a membership to go into them, vs, say a coffee shop in amsterdam that's open to the public.. what's your take on the scene in barelona vs amsteram? ty.. :D


Well-Known Member
i'd like to modify my review of ultra sour slightly. initially it had a sickly sweet "sour bread" yeasty smell to me that i did not like but after two months of curing, that is gone and is replaced by a decent smell. i like it. i also did not smoke for 24 hours and smoked it again; i'd give it a 6 out of 10 (10 being best smoke ever) because it has a nice taste to it (no pine taste which is always a bonus) and a decent high. nausea symptoms were helped within ten minutes of smoking. minor pain relief qualities to it too. still not sure i'd grow it again, but i can imagine other smokers liking this a lot.
questions for klite or racerboy71: it's a mk ultra x ecsd strain...i've got a mystic seeds that is a sd x mk ultra strain--would there be a big difference to the smoke/effects with the parentage being reversed? (that is what it means when listed that way, right?) is ecsd similar to sd?
thanks for reading. and thanks klite for the review!


Well-Known Member
East coast sour d and sour d are two different strains. I find that the east coast resembles more the aroma and flavour of casey jones like than sour d, though im in europe and those are american strains and ive only come across the propper ones less than a handful of times so dont go by me.
Also over in europe sour diesel is kinda shit to be honest, a bland bitterish mandarine aroma and taste, ive only seen the good one a few times.. Wish someone would post a cut :(


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on the pack that has mk ultra & the mk ultra bubble cross & 5 of the mk ultra autos which I will trade off I'm getting ready to build my new room also eyeballing some of their other stuff such as Burmese kush