ULTRAsonic humidifier question!


Active Member
So I went out and invested in a ultrasonic humidifier, and it seems to work GREAT. In a 32 sq ft grow box I can raise humidity from 20% to 60% in about 2 mins. :hump:

My question is, it's a visible mist humidifier and you can definitely feel the moister coming out... How far should I keep this away from my lights? I have a T5 HO 2ft 4 bulb light and 2, 23w CFLs. The CFLs are just dangling off the sides of my T5 with open wiring. Everything is hooked up to a surge protector but I'm a little worried about blowing a humidifier in a small space with electrical everywhere :-?

Anyone have experience using one of these?

I posted a picture of my grow room and the size of the plants etc... This picture was taken yesterday and I've put the humidifier in the back right corner facing the middle of both plants, and I pretty much have it on the lowest setting possible. I'm running about 50-55% RH at the moment. The plants are 21 days old and got transplanted yesterday.




Well-Known Member
Well I tryed one of those and had to throw it out because even with distilled water it was leaving a fine dust every where .

Dont let it get any droplets on your lights they can shatter .


New Member
i have never used one outside the rootspace,so cant really comment on that
but they r pretty good for roots...they make them real fuzzy
u shouldnt really need one of these in the growroom....it will prob cause more harm than good