Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Active Member
Wow.. I finally finished reading this post, all 117 pages of. And I have to say I had many questions when I started reading it. All of them were answered. This is my first grow and I just passed the 3 week mark and my plant is developing its' 5 node. I will top with UB's method and watch the baby grow. I am very grateful that I found this thread. All the knowledge listed throughout these pages is absolutely priceless. The more I read and learn the more it empowers me as a new grower and has help me get beyond my apprehensions. So thank you all contributing members. I will post a pic after I have topped. Once again thanks....Never stop learning


Active Member
I'm using smart pots and my babys are doing amazing, I got pics some posts back, not to many.

I started them from seed in 5 gallon pots (probably only about 3 gallons of soil though) and they are just thriving.
Thanks for your reply. I am trying to figure out what size to use, smart pot or plastic. Using the 12" per gallon rule of thumb, I am thinking of using #3 (3 gallon) smart pots to keep them about 3 - 4 ' tall due to 80" overall height to the room. I like the idea of using a #5 and only using about 3-4 gallons of soil. Which is better, wider or deeper?


Well-Known Member
I also harvest in stages. I harvest the main canopy of buds, then drop the lights and continue the flowering schedule. The buds at the bottom really respond with the increased light, I've harvested single flowers that were over 4" long!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply. I am trying to figure out what size to use, smart pot or plastic. Using the 12" per gallon rule of thumb, I am thinking of using #3 (3 gallon) smart pots to keep them about 3 - 4 ' tall due to 80" overall height to the room. I like the idea of using a #5 and only using about 3-4 gallons of soil. Which is better, wider or deeper?
I'm running a 400 watt light so my foot print is smaller...

During veg I had wished I had used #3 due to them always leaning to the light, even when the pots were up next to each other they were always leaning. I was rotating them twice a day, once at light on and once half way through. Now that they are 4 weeks in I'm glad I went with the #5 because now they are spaced out so the extra width no longer matters. So the answer is ... I dunno.

As far as wider or deeper for the root system? I dunno on that too. I would say it shouldn't matter because soil is soil and it will use it all due to the air pruning.


Active Member
Uncle Ben - This will be my first time topping a plant. I want to follow your great guide and end up with 4 new cola's. The questions I have are in the photo. Thanks man! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, wait until the 5th node has grown correct? Right now the plant is working on its 4th. 12 days old since popping through the soil.



Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben - This will be my first time topping a plant. I want to follow your great guide and end up with 4 new cola's. The questions I have are in the photo. Thanks man! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, wait until the 5th node has grown correct? Right now the plant is working on its 4th. 12 days old since popping through the soil.
You sir are correct. You can do it anywhere between the 2nd and 3rd node. Just make sure you don't damage the 2nd node.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB you legend. Just topped my plants saw this thread around a week ago and was looking everywhere for it today. The knowledge you shared was excellent I don't even have to ask you questions after reading all the other posts pure class
Thanks for the positive feedback, and good luck!

Uncle Ben - This will be my first time topping a plant. I want to follow your great guide and end up with 4 new cola's. The questions I have are in the photo. Thanks man! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, wait until the 5th node has grown correct? Right now the plant is working on its 4th. 12 days old since popping through the soil.

That'll work. Leave about 1/2", 1 cm, above the node to callous over.

Have fun......
Thanks for the positive feedback, and good luck!

That'll work. Leave about 1/2", 1 cm, above the node to callous over.

Have fun......
is it good to top when the plant is that young? would waiting untiil the plant has grown 5 or 6 nodes asnd then top it above the second node be more effective?


I read a few pages in and didnt see anything....If im working with a clone, and from the soil up it has alternating nodes, but recent growth at the top has non-alternating. Do i need to let it grow out and top from the non-alternating nodes, or can I make the cut counting the alternating nodes? Hope that makes sense..


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I read a few pages in and didnt see anything....If im working with a clone, and from the soil up it has alternating nodes, but recent growth at the top has non-alternating. Do i need to let it grow out and top from the non-alternating nodes, or can I make the cut counting the alternating nodes? Hope that makes sense..

It's been covered several times. You can only expect results with opposing nodes.
haha trust me i have read the thread, i dont even know y i added the second part of the question, prob just high haha.
going back and reading wat i wrote makes me feel stupid cause the answer is in the thread a couple times sorry! haha


Active Member
That said, excellent read Uncle Ben. Very inspiring and an eye opener for my first indoor grow. I've looked at sog, scrog, fim, single stalk, lollipop and other methods but this is the most simple and concise method I've seen.

My seedlings are just starting their 3rd week and are pushing their 6th leaf sets. I'm planning on topping and re-canning this weekend. Of course I'll wait for the proper moon phase and an incoming tide ;).

This was exactly the situation I was in. I went for Ben's method, and I was extremely glad I did. Its practical, hassle-free, easy, and very efficient.

In my experience, one plant topped like yielded almost twice as much as its untopped companions. I absolutely must recommend this technique to anyone and everyone.

Lets put it this way- out of all of the threads I've read on Rollitup, this one has had the best impact on my plants.


Active Member
I hope you don't mind me posting these pics in here but I topped my first plant according to your instructions tonight. Hopefully I did it right! :shock:



Active Member
UB-Yea i know this thread is on topping but my cheese plants seem to have developed some white mold on some of the lower leafs. My temp is about 72f, rh is about 25 and I definately do not over water them so I was kind of surprised. I have a fan on them 20 hrs a day. mmm why the mold and even more importantly, how do I get rid of it? Since it is on a couple of leaf sets on the bottom of each plant is it because the leafs are relatively close to the soil and the light is not penetrating down that far?
thanks in advance


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
This was exactly the situation I was in. I went for Ben's method, and I was extremely glad I did. Its practical, hassle-free, easy, and very efficient.
I agree. :)

In my experience, one plant topped like yielded almost twice as much as its untopped companions. I absolutely must recommend this technique to anyone and everyone.

Lets put it this way- out of all of the threads I've read on Rollitup, this one has had the best impact on my plants.
Thanks for the kind words.

I hope you don't mind me posting these pics in here but I topped my first plant according to your instructions tonight. Hopefully I did it right! :shock:
Looks like you're on your way, have fun.

UB-Yea i know this thread is on topping but my cheese plants seem to have developed some white mold on some of the lower leafs. My temp is about 72f, rh is about 25 and I definately do not over water them so I was kind of surprised. I have a fan on them 20 hrs a day. mmm why the mold and even more importantly, how do I get rid of it? Since it is on a couple of leaf sets on the bottom of each plant is it because the leafs are relatively close to the soil and the light is not penetrating down that far?
thanks in advance
A new thread in the Sick Plants would be appropriate, but since its already here I'll bite. Pests (and that includes fungi/rot) always move into weak, stressed plants before healthy ones, so, you need to work on the basics which includes keeping the fan on all the time, not 20 hours a day. It looks like powdery mildew to me which "blooms" when conditions are right - high RH and moderate temps. I doubt if your RH is really 25% A spray with Daconil or Captan would work, benomyl if ya got it. You need a product that is both curative and preventative. Look at Rose disease control products that contain chlorothalonil.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben - This will be my first time topping a plant. I want to follow your great guide and end up with 4 new cola's. The questions I have are in the photo. Thanks man! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, wait until the 5th node has grown correct? Right now the plant is working on its 4th. 12 days old since popping through the soil.

Shit I cut the above 3rd node so 6 colas it is on my indica dom plant it's going get very bushy


Active Member
Shit I cut the above 3rd node so 6 colas it is on my indica dom plant it's going get very bushy
i did the exact same thing about 2 weeks ago, i have a couple from bagseed that i was topping as per the method in this thread....and f.i.m literally, all perfect, just 1 node too high

1 is def indica and she took about a week to show strong growth (all 6 tops)

the other is absolutely a sativa (lucky me!, hope its a girl) but she shrugged it right off and continued to reach for the sky

they both look good, ill just have an extra pair of tops i reckon

thanks for your wisdom UB


Hey Uncle Ben, love the thread.....Been lurking since it's inception....I have tried your method and like the results....Although I haven't gotten 4 main branches yet I am still trying....I have gotten 2 main and 2 minor, 2 main and one minor oooops slipped and cut on off :lol:....

Now here comes my question for you which has not been covered too well and I am at that stage now....I grew up the mother plants and have cloned them.....Haven't sexed them yet but that will be soon.....Anyways on the clones I have been adding extra N to get those alternating nodes to get back to the opposing so I can top them for 4 colas.....Some are responding others not....My question once I get them to go opposing and go 4-6 nodes opposing I just want a confirmation that I need to eliminate the alternating nodes and top 2 nodes up from the bottom 2 opposing nodes......and continue on from there.....Does that make sense? All my clones were alternating when cut and after rooted I started feeding extra N to get opposing...Now that they are growing opposing I want to top......Anyways any help would be appreciated.......:smile:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hey Uncle Ben, love the thread.....Been lurking since it's inception....I have tried your method and like the results....Although I haven't gotten 4 main branches yet I am still trying....I have gotten 2 main and 2 minor, 2 main and one minor oooops slipped and cut on off :lol:....

Now here comes my question for you which has not been covered too well and I am at that stage now....I grew up the mother plants and have cloned them.....Haven't sexed them yet but that will be soon.....Anyways on the clones I have been adding extra N to get those alternating nodes to get back to the opposing so I can top them for 4 colas.....Some are responding others not....My question once I get them to go opposing and go 4-6 nodes opposing I just want a confirmation that I need to eliminate the alternating nodes and top 2 nodes up from the bottom 2 opposing nodes......and continue on from there.....Does that make sense? All my clones were alternating when cut and after rooted I started feeding extra N to get opposing...Now that they are growing opposing I want to top......Anyways any help would be appreciated.......:smile:
You've got to get them back into a vegetative stage which will come with long days, short nights. The extra N boost will help. Once you get your opposing nodes, do the dirty deed.

Glad it's working out for you Mr.Oasis.

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