Under or Over-Watering?!?


Active Member
I cant tell if my plants are being under or overwatered.
i have read multiple threads on both topics but am having a hard time telling the difference...

heres whats happening.

Yesterday i went home and didnt come back to my apartment at school.
my plants although used to a 12hour on/off cycle of light got no light and no watering...

the plants looked fine. i watered them when i first saw them. turned the lights on and all was fine.. a couple hours later when i went to check on them the leaves were wilted and had drooped over..

what happened?
too little water?
will they make it?


Well-Known Member
instead of doing a post quick reply, do go advanced. and then theres a manage attatchments button u can add them there


Active Member
not the best pics..
took it with my blackberry so tell me what you can..

description:: only parts of the plants are wilted, only a few are completely drooped.

thats if you cant tell



Active Member
i have 2 florecents on it right now both within 6 inches...
one is a tube the other is a conventional screw in..

should i move them further away?

do you think they got dried out yesterday when i didnt water them?
i did change the topsoil too so there may be a chance they got dried out down near the roots


Active Member
seems as though it was under-watered.
i transfered my plants to the larger pot 2 days before i found them wiltered.
i thought the soil was properly watered/saturated...whatever but it apparently wasnt.
i gave it a real good watering before this post and since then its made a really good comeback..

3 out of 4 leaves that were in bad shape are already back in good shape and soaking in the light again.

any more tips would be appreciated