underwatered or overwaterd?


New Member
ya i agree u deff need to move ur lights...and prob get more...cus that plant is growing way to tall and not getting fat enought that are 2 nodes and that plant is like almost a foot tall. u gotta get ur lights to where ur plant is stretching but also growing fat.

and also those are the completely wrong spectrum lights for the veg stage....u need daylight cfls...and u need more of them...the bulbs u have are 2700k bulbs that are better used in the flowering stage...read the stickied post in the cfl forum about which bulbs to use in the different stages of growth. the different bulbs that are sold make a huge difference on how ur plant grows....so go get urself some daylight bulbs and get a bunch more of them....get some work lights for 6 dollars a pop from home depot and a couple y splitters for 1.50 a pop...then get more bulbs and u should see a big difference and then when ur ready to flower change those bulbs back to the ones ur using and get more. hope this helps lemme know if u have anymore questions

Heres a link to the best thread about growing with cfls



Active Member
whered u get that kind of socket for ur bulbs. ive been looking for something like that for ages


thanks mygirls, I have been looking at what seems like HUNDREDS of pictures trying to diagnose my plants! Overwatered and Underwatered look exactly the same to me! but yea, i havnt watered them in 3 days, i think I will water it tuesday.
We move plants all the time and when you have a car ride ......usually have a sick plant for a few days. They appear to be stretching a bit and I am sure the car ride was hard on em.
The CFL's will give you better results if they are as close to the plant as possible and up a bit plants grow towards light. I used CFL's for previous grows and they can do the job but when you buy 10 big bulbs you could have just got a HPS/Halide for the money.

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
you can figure it out. look at the soil. is the soil dry to the touch? dig down a little bit into the soil. like about a inch or two, while being careful to not break the roots. if the soil is completly soggy and you see a lot of water in it, than it is over watered. if the soil is bone dry, and its crumbly than its under watered. try looking at soil in nature. keep the soil wet enough that its not bone dry, but dry enough that its not so soggy that it looks like the plant might drown. if your soil is super wet, than dont water anymore until the soil starts to dry out. you should only water when the plant needs it. nobody will be able to tell you exactly when to water, except you. so think about it, you dont gotta soak all the soil when watering.. all you gotta do is water it until its damp. remember the roots need oxygen. if there is too much water the oxygen cannot get to the roots. you will get a feel for how the soil should look and feel. once you figure this out it will be smooth sailing from there on out! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
Move lights up and add more lights (if its to hot for the back of your hand its to hot for your plant)and also be careful you might not nute burn them yet but you might if you are using time released soil you never know what your going to give them at one time when you add more nutes yourself. Swap out some of the soil for non nute soil and just watch them.