Unknown Sativa - How much longer you think?


Active Member
Hi Everyone.

This is my first grow. I did a bagseed test run to work out any kinks in my system. I am glad I did it, I learned alot and will get more yield next time. I recently added a 150w HPS and the plant LOVED IT.

So can anyone estimate how much longer this plant is going to take? It has been flowering since dec28. I have some good genetics in the other cab and I plan on taking my clones about 2 weeks before this one comes down so they can be rooted and put into this cab.

I know it's going to be a while, but I am patient, I am just trying to do some future planning.

Thanks for your help.



Active Member
LOL - Ya, I was hoping you guys weren't going to tell me she was a 12 weeker. I should have known better than to grow bagseed. I bet my ak48's are going to be done about the same time and they sprouted on Jan6.


Active Member
LOL - Ya, I was hoping you guys weren't going to tell me she was a 12 weeker. I should have known better than to grow bagseed. I bet my ak48's are going to be done about the same time and they sprouted on Jan6.
nothing wrong with a twelve weeker... it's the 16-20 weekers that scare me, i have yet to tackle any of these equatorial beasts. seen some friends fuck up some sativas HARD


Active Member
Thanks for the responses everyone.

My plant really loves the HPS. My main cola has almost doubled in size in the past two days. Also I was greeted with some nice frosting this morning.



Active Member

Here is a little update. The plant just keeps growing, the main cola is now about 6 inches long and is starting to fill in. It could have just been the timing in the plants life cycle, but it really seemed to take off once I put it under the 150w HPS. At this rate I dont want to rush this girl, every day I eagerly await lights on so I can go and check on her and I am rewarded with bigger buds and more frosting that the day before.

Here are some pics.

