update wit pics (advice needed)


well i picked up 2 girls a few days ago (they were really not looking too good) threw them in me flowering tent and couple days later their looking alottt better! ,
i have now picked up another 2 females (the too larger ones) theyy are not looking too good + the first time they went in my tent i was in a rush and left my fan directly blowing on them, theyy got pretty roughed up hoping they are not too wind burnt ??????hoping they pull through (oh and me seedling are vegging extremely well will have pics of them up later
temps been 77-81
ph been at 6.8
waiting for humidity gaugue
They should pull through dude just make sure to cause as little stress as possible and stick em under light The leaves look droopy have you been watering? because it could be over watering or they could just be stressed the fuck out. Other than that i wouldnt be to sure but im sure someone with more experience than me can help you out.
Good luck with the plants man i hope it all works out bongsmilie


yeahh im pretty sure there just stressed out! i just repotted the day before had some root tangled problems, now the edges of the leafs on the droopiest one hav jst got a bit crispy ,
i water every second day roughly 300-400ml , mite just leave them be for a few days their not looking too serious nodes on them are still looking good (thinking cause they were blocked by the bigger leaves witch copped all the wind)