uploading pictures

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
How do I add an image to a post?
If you have uploaded an image as an attachment, you can click the arrow next to the 'Attachment Icon' and select it from the list. This will be inserted into your post and can be located where you want it displayed.
To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing
after it, ensuring that you do not have any spaces before or after the URL of the image. You can insert photos from your albums (?) in this way too.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
^^^^ what a bunch of shit^^^^

you see under the last post it says "Reply to Thread"

under that it says "quick reply"

under that there is

AA AA blob B I U font size A smiley face globe globewithanX BOXwithTREE film talkbubble

click the box with tree......upload ...... done