Upper leaves turning very yellow and curling


I currently have 4 Northern Lights plants 12 days into flowering. They all are green and very healthy looking with the exception of one. 80% of the topmost leaves are yellow and starting to curl. Also the leaves that are starting to grow in at the top are all looking yellow. The middle and lower leaves all look green and healthy.

Any idea whats causing this? I have 2 plants that are taller then this one so I wouldn't think it's light burn. But I'm a newb, so please help! Also want to mention that I had to pick the seed off this plant with tweezers after germination, and it has always been my slowest grower (it's not my shortest, but has the least amount of leaves). May post pics if I can't get any help. Thanks in advance.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Are you sure its not too close to the light or too hot? Try Supercropping it to get more growing tips. Post some pics maybe.


Active Member
I currently have 4 Northern Lights plants 12 days into flowering. They all are green and very healthy looking with the exception of one. 80% of the topmost leaves are yellow and starting to curl. Also the leaves that are starting to grow in at the top are all looking yellow. The middle and lower leaves all look green and healthy.

Any idea whats causing this? I have 2 plants that are taller then this one so I wouldn't think it's light burn. But I'm a newb, so please help! Also want to mention that I had to pick the seed off this plant with tweezers after germination, and it has always been my slowest grower (it's not my shortest, but has the least amount of leaves). May post pics if I can't get any help. Thanks in advance.
Hi, What are you feeding them? What kind of lights are you using? Are you foliar feeding or using sprays? More info eh?:weed: