URGENT HELP - Powder Mildew week before harvest


Hi Guys

I have just noticed a fair bit of powder mildew on my crop. I am into my 9th week of flower, was hoping to flush on Tuesday.

I’ve been advised to start flush now and harvest on Tuesday (finish one week early).

I have done lots of research and read/watched a lot on washing them and hanging to dry. It really does worry me to do this as never done before and I’m in a really tight space and don’t want any smell to escape the room.

I’ve attached some photos/videos.

Anybody have any experience / knowledge to share having had this so close to harvest. Really worried I’m going to ruin the crop and was hoping for a great yield.

Really appreciate any help!!!!




Well-Known Member
Honestly it doesnt seem like alot I've dealt with worse before; I just put it in a tub with h2o2 and water and rinsed it and basically hosed it down; surprisingly I smelt the buds way more doing it that way lol


Well-Known Member
Defoliate, get rid of all the leafs you can to help with airflow and RH%.

Spray with a potassium bicarbonate or baking soda solution pH'd 11 - 11.5, this will make things alkaline and stop PM growth and can be washed off later at harvest when you budwash.

Keep the RH% below 50 but not below 40. Keep good air circulation. Don't let temps drop when lights go out, thats a double whammy as when temps drop, given the same absolute RH% the relative RH% rises dramatically and the dehumidifier pulls less water at cooler temps (double whammy). So keep the lights out temps from dropping.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up.
Bud washing does not necessarily make PM covered buds safe to smoke. It may neutralize the PM but from what I understand it is now within the plant cells.

My recommendation is to toss any clearly affected plant material then do a bud wash as a precaution for the remaining not clearly affected plant material.

Sux but it happens.
Good luck