US Marines will cause the price of heroin to skyrocket


Well-Known Member
Helmand provience produces most of Afghanistan's heroin and Afghanistan produces 90%+ of the world's heroin. As the marines push closer to the city of Marjah they will stop some of the export of heroin. Of course demand for H worldwide will stay the same and if places like Mexico and Southeast Asia can't make up the difference there will be record high prices in the market.

Mark my words.


Well-Known Member
Good deal, less heroin the better, hope they destroy all that crap.

YEAAAA!!! GOOD JOB! Get that shit OUTTA HERE!! :hump:

That crap ruins more lives then you can imagine.

Ive had some real good friends get involved in that heroin.

Some have died..

And some are trying to kick it, but the outlook is not that good.

Happy to hear the good news!! :bigjoint:

Way to go US Marines!!!!


Well-Known Member
Heroin, like meth is not something that can be used recreationaly by many people. There will always be exceptions to the rule but I think tighter controls on heroin are just fine.


Active Member
Hey Hey H must Go!!!

Hey Hey H must Go!!!

Hey Hey H must Go!!!

Hey Hey Weed Must Stay!!!

Hey Hey Weed Must Stay!!!

Hey Hey Weed Must Stay!!!


Well-Known Member
If the demand is there, supply will follow. This may slow it down for a while, but if it causes prices to go up, it will make people more eager to supply it from other places. All attempts to stop drug problems at the supply end will fail. I'm no fan of heroin, and don't have any easy answers... but, that's the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
If the demand is there, supply will follow. This may slow it down for a while, but if it causes prices to go up, it will make people more eager to supply it from other places. All attempts to stop drug problems at the supply end will fail. I'm no fan of heroin, and don't have any easy answers... but, that's the way I see it.
Many Afghan warlords got rich by understanding this. They waited till the market was saturated with raw heroin and bought up as much as they could and stored it in caves. They then banned opium production for a year in their area and watched the price go to record levels. At that point they unload all their old shit at hundreds of times it's real value.

I am right there with you, heroin destroys almost everything it touches but taking the same "ban the bad stuff" approach taken with pot simply does not work.