US War with China


Well-Known Member
The USA has ALWAYS been dysfunctional, since it was formed on the idea that individual consent is not a valid concept. Assumed consent is doublespeak word abuse of the highest order.

I have no problem with separatist movements, I think decentralization has many benefits, so good luck to you.

So, I'll ask again, If individuals groups of people, "states" , have a right to chose their associations and separate from a large central authority like the USA, would you then agree that smaller groups within those "states" should be able to go their own way peacefully to?
man it's time to dig you're own of luck, I'll see you on the other side


Well-Known Member
Only war I'd be concerned about if I were American would be a civil war if you don't get Trump out of office or under control soon. He's pissed off almost the whole world, or at least every major region in the first week. While that's bad enough, what I'm seeing from the outside, and from news reporters who don't report on "Alternative Facts" is that inside the US (and already brought up above) there is already growing discontent.. If that goes on too long, civil unrest within the US will be a bigger issue than worrying about a war with the Chinese or anyone else. Let's make America Great Again... seriously?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
China isnt strong enough militarily or economy wise to go to war with the U.S. That doesnt mean that the US doesnt attack or force war onto China before then. In 10 years they may be. But the shear trillions of dollars America spends on over double what any other nation spends. Why is America so scared all the time? Why do they continue to invade countries and then not win?
Trump tearing up the TPP meant that the US lost some financial strength in the Asian region (which was very strange as it was a benefit to the US as much as the other signatories.- maybe more so. Perhaps agreement on workers rights and pay didn't sit to well with Trump. A man who doesn't pay people on a regular bases.

Just going by social media and the scared, unintelligent rednecks who are outright inciting war within the US to kill or remove all Muslims (i kid you not..just have a good look at FB) If the Govt doesn't, gives me grave concern for the next few years there.

I see a new recruiting drive form the radical Muslim groups, more terror attacks in America due to the hatred and ostracizing and more rights and freedoms of the American people being signed away. Im thinking that this must be Trumps plan. Him and his advises know when you push people people push back..and then it escalates.