US War with China


Well-Known Member
Did Nostradamus predict Donald Trump as a modern-day Antichrist when he spoke of "The false trumpet concealing madness" that will change money and standards?
Nostradamus also predicted: "The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground."
Israel is "the land of milk and honey." The Bible predicts that the Antichrist will betray Israel. Did Nostradamus see and predict the same thing? Trump has said that he will be "neutral" regarding Israel. But will he, really?

But in the end?

Nostradamus again: "The great Senate will ordain the triumph for one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out: At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled."

Gee, this Nostradamus shit, is more fun then I ever thought.....

The voice of the "OAK ISLAND" narrator - "Could it be........."

@ruby fruit

I feel Trump is going to "screw the pooch" somewhere along the line. He'll not see the end of his term in office! Could be his business dealings he's doing left handed as we speak. Could be things from his past. Could be someone "takes him out." Didn't he say that about Clinton? "Someone should take her out"?......

In the 30's, the German's were mesmerized by an "Unrepentant Narcissistic Asshole" who preached about "Making his country great again" how they are the "rightful world leaders" and how some race's and religions where the "root of all evil, holding us back from our destiny." He started out banning and blocking too.

Trumps ex wife Ivanca said in an interview with a magazine that, "Donald keeps a book of Hitler speech's on his nightstand, next to the bed. It creeped me out!"

You think that we sound "scared"?

I'll say that some of us who can see the truth are at least worried! I can stand on a soap box in a town square and shout this truth all day! I can do the same on TV! Will those that support him "see"......I'm not holding my breath on that! I would most likely be arrested at some point.

I'm worried about the road he's leading us down!
No one wanted to see the truth then. Nor listened to those that did!
No one is listing to those of us who see it now, either!
No one knows what Nostradamus wrote, as he wrote in his own language (which was supposedly in a type of southern French dialect long lost to history).
His nephew capitalised from his name, as he was a royal approved mystic, some 50 or so years after his death....


Well-Known Member
Since March 2009, more than 140 people are known to have set themselves on fire inside Tibet to protest against the repressive Chinese occupation. Self-immolation protests peaked in 2012 when more than 80 took place. There have been far fewer since 2013 but they are still a feature of Tibetan resistance.

Although many monks and nuns have set themselves alight, most self-immolation protesters have not been from religious institutions. They include teachers, students and herdsmen, as well as mothers and fathers.

The youngest was just 15 years old.

This photo is one of the most powerful photos I've ever seen. This beautiful man, demonstrated his integrity. He did this in devotion to his belief, that he could make a difference. It was in vain.
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Well-Known Member
No one knows what Nostradamus wrote, as he wrote in his own language (which was supposedly in a type of southern French dialect long lost to history).
His nephew capitalised from his name, as he was a royal approved mystic, some 50 or so years after his death....
Agreed. His couplets read like a cross between astrology columns and fortune cookies. They're vague enough to potentially apply to a broad range of situations. Classic navel gazing.


Well-Known Member
No one knows what Nostradamus wrote, as he wrote in his own language (which was supposedly in a type of southern French dialect long lost to history).
His nephew capitalised from his name, as he was a royal approved mystic, some 50 or so years after his death....
Agreed. His couplets read like a cross between astrology columns and fortune cookies. They're vague enough to potentially apply to a broad range of situations. Classic navel gazing.
Amazing that people can believe in prophecy. They do though.

Who cares? Nostradamus was fake news before there was fake news. Ty treats Nostradamus appropriately -- as something to laugh at.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
No one knows what Nostradamus wrote, as he wrote in his own language (which was supposedly in a type of southern French dialect long lost to history).
His nephew capitalised from his name, as he was a royal approved mystic, some 50 or so years after his death....
I never meant to imply "I" believe Nostradamus's writtings!

I'm just having some "fun" with cut and pastes from a website that I listed earlier - About trump being the "Antichrist"......

I don't put much behind Nostradamus anything.....yet, he did say "Hisler"....."Trumpet" wouldn't be far off his style.....I mean, look at Trump and his loud, open mouthed, bellicose bull shit!
It's more like shit for the king of bull shit!

Funny thing is. There are more uneducated Trump supporters that believe in that stuff.....Oddly easy to rattle many "make believe", born again "Christians"

I did write the Hitler comparison myself. I do believe that!
He's a Fascist - PERIOD!


Well-Known Member
I never meant to imply "I" believe Nostradamus's writtings!

I'm just having some "fun" with cut and pastes from a website that I listed earlier - About trump being the "Antichrist"......

I don't put much behind Nostradamus anything.....yet, he did say "Hisler"....."Trumpet" wouldn't be far off his style.....I mean, look at Trump and his loud, open mouthed, bellicose bull shit!
It's more like shit for the king of bull shit!

Funny thing is. There are more uneducated Trump supporters that believe in that stuff.....Oddly easy to rattle many "make believe", born again "Christians"

I did write the Hitler comparison myself. I do believe that!
He's a Fascist - PERIOD!
Excellent points. Agreed on all counts.