USA looking to invade Canada


Well-Known Member
The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

We turned the mericans back a long time ago, not so today, lol, it would be like a little girl fighting Brock Lesner.
The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

Give us all your maple syrup and there won't be any problems
The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

Trump is like a long stinky fart in a closed room, now that he's outside and the wind is picking up, his smell is losing its stink and will soon be blown away by unfolding events. People are tuning out his useless self serving press briefings, he's trapped inside the WH and apparently is craving his rallies and the audulation of the base. This crisis is showing just how useless Donald Trump is as a human being, and especially as a president and leader, expect no help from him, only more problems. Look for what federal aid there is to be directed to the red states and away from the blue states, especially those who are critical of him. The epidemic is already breaking out throughout the south and there are indicators that it will be very bad there, they don't seem concerned either, Trump will come through for them, even at the expense of the blue states.

Donald got you into this mess, has hampered the response repeatedly and is constantly interfering with the experts and professionals for his own personal political purposes. A stunning failure of leadership and dereliction of duty that everybody expected that will have catastrophic consequences for the people, country and its economy. Donald continues to make this crisis far worse in America than it needs to be, based on mortality thus far Canada appears to have about 1/3 the cases per capita than the USA, we will know more in a week.
The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

Actually it's to keep Americans in and prevent them from escaping, like in North Korea, they must stay home and love the great leader to get medical supplies.
It might be a big biowarfare program, infect everybody and kill off the weak, like in sparta, the strongest survive, then y'all invade other countries carry disease with ya like Cortes did to the native Americans. I won't work with Iran though, if Trump starts a war with them, soon enough the country and it's armed forces will be immune, the Americans, not so much.
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First you'll need to take away their pubic hair lager, second disable all doughnut shops, last but not least do not forget the maple syrup they're like pigs in shit over it. Ehh??...
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