Useless, egocentric and just for my mental health ...


Well-Known Member

as mentionned ...

warning 1 : read only if you're really bored !
warning 2 : I'm drunk, stoned and english is my third language, so if doesn't make sense forgive me !
warning 3 : you are now warned !

20 january last year : my father becomes ill.
10 february : he died.

31 july 12H30 : I talked to my mother, nothing new under the sky.
31 july 12H45: my mother is dead.

I'm just so ... sad. fucked, ...

Have a nice day and be nice to the people you love, cos like one said : no power on earth can guarantee your life the next second !

Thanks for reaching this line.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro for your loss and I mean that. My mom and dad both died without warning and I honestly know it took forever to get over my dad cause he was my friend and also the first to go. His mom died(my grandma) died within a week later. I used to have to drive by my dads old job to get to work and it took years to not be reminded and almost in tears. Man I'll tell ha what I've learned over the years and having seen like all of my family that I loved and was close to pass on. Time. That's all we got bro and its gonna run out on us all. Live as much as you can and as best you can. And to those we loved, they aren't in pain, they are resting. We miss them but sometimes, like I had an uncle and 2 aunts pass from cancer. Resting is great. Perhaps they all up in heaven token with my 16+ year old dog I buried a couple of weeks ago. Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss. I know how you feel man, it seems when one person goes more start dropping. My grandpa always says they go in threes. I don't believe that but I'm not going to argue with the guy. Hes 98 and got bombed in ww2 still walks. He can believe what ever he wants.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
They say it happens in 3's I've had that happen, almost 4 in one month and six for that year, close friends and family. You never really get over it but it does get easier with time.

Hang in there.


Well-Known Member

as mentionned ...

warning 1 : read only if you're really bored !
warning 2 : I'm drunk, stoned and english is my third language, so if doesn't make sense forgive me !
warning 3 : you are now warned !

20 january last year : my father becomes ill.
10 february : he died.

31 july 12H30 : I talked to my mother, nothing new under the sky.
31 july 12H45: my mother is dead.

I'm just so ... sad. fucked, ...

Have a nice day and be nice to the people you love, cos like one said : no power on earth can guarantee your life the next second !

Thanks for reaching this line.
dude, i don't know you, but that is horrible.

hope you can find whatever it will take for you to cope and get better.