Using HPS and CFLs Together


Active Member
You'd be better off getting an aquarium pump and an airstone to keep the water aerated. The plant needs the oxygen. I go so far as to put the airstones directly into my pot, but that part is not yet verified.
That may be a nice bonus but from what I've seen the plants grow plenty well without that, seems like more of just an added cost at this point with little benefit.


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Any updates?
Still waiting on one of the party cup plants for sex, the same annoying one as before. The others which had not shown yet are female though which is good. The big girl is starting to fill out a bit, began trying to pollenate yesterday but no idea if it is taking yet. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to tell if the seeding took or not, I'll be pretty disappointed if it doesn't. Looking at maybe another four to five weeks before she's done. It'd be nice if she's ready by the end of spring before I move the veggies outside, would seem kinda empty with just a couple plants in there. I'll try to get pics up in the next couple days to show progress.


Active Member
Good luck with the others not showing yet and congrats on the females!! Hopefully she will take to the pollination!!!!


Active Member
Good luck with the others not showing yet and congrats on the females!! Hopefully she will take to the pollination!!!!
Yeah, I'm considering putting the females in solo cups back into veg then sticking them outside once it warms up a bit. Not sure yet though.


Active Member
how is everything going??? long time no see!!
Hey smokey what's up? Yeah sorry I've been busy lately, finally found a new job, so mostly just been lurking for a few min at a time. I ended up just leaving everything in flower, didn't want to bother with setting up a separate veg area right now. Probably going to do that after this run is finished, but might put it off till summer. Ended up having three females, one I left to grow straight up and two I decided to LST around the cups to see how they'd turn out. Temps spiked the other day and one of the little ones showed a bit of stress but the others were all fine. The big girl is doing well, another week or two with nutes then switching to straight water until harvest. I'm fairly certain that the seeding took how I wanted it to, we'll see when harvest time comes.


Active Member
Little update, the big girl got seeded a bit more than I had planned but that's fine with me, not too concerned with weight off of her. Should only be another 2 weeks or so then she'll be getting chopped. Accidently burned the little ones by leaving them too close to lights and not checking on them for two days. So they ended up pretty beat up and unless they make a miraculous recovery I can see them going to the hash pile. They haven't gotten any worse since then so I'll leave them until they decide to either live or die. While I am happy with the results from the 150 HPS so far, I believe next grow I will be switching up to a 400 CMH.


Active Member
Has anyone seen any decent soil grows in 6" pots? I have some left, the same kind I use for veggies, and would like to put them to use but not sure if it'd be worthwhile. I wanna say they're 1.5 qt so they wouldn't support very big plants, but I wonder if they'd be adequate for seedlings (2-4 week veg period) then up-pot the females and trash the males when flower.


Active Member
Finally finishing up my current grow. Harvested the top half of the plant this morning for around 120g wet after taking a small test piece last weekend. The test nug yielded around 20 mature looking seeds and weighed in at just under 2g after trimming and removing the seeds. Overall I'll be happy with around an oz and a couple hundred seeds. Debating whether to germinate a seed or two now and just start them in veg with low levels of light until I do all of my planned grow box renovations.


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Just had a really bad scare with the cops. A friend of a friend who was over tonight messed up our neighbor's fence pretty bad when he left and the neighbor called the cops. Perfectly understandable, but when the cops got here they wanted to look for the kid, luckily I keep my grow area in a locked room and claimed that only the land lady has access to that room and that she keeps her personal possessions in there so the cops left it alone. We got off with a civil settlement and replacing the damaged fence is much less than it could have been. I'll be so much happier once I can afford to rent a location by myself and not have to deal with all this drama. I was scared as fuck that my grow might be found out, fucking nosy ass popo. Also I'm currently drunk as all hell and pretty stoned so not really sure how much of this will be complete sentences or thoughts.


Active Member
Final count from my seeded girl is just over 730 mature/viable looking seeds, 50 or so questionable ones, and a bunch of useless looking ones. I'm going to guess that she should go to 10 weeks next time, had to chop early this time though so kept her around as long as possible. Harvest was half on 5 days before 9 weeks, and the rest on 1 day before 9 weeks. Thinking I'm just gonna cook with the rest of the girl, kinda mangled her looking for seeds, then hash from the trim. Should be starting next grow in a few weeks, gonna try to get a miniature perpetual system going with hopefully one plant getting pulled every 2-3 weeks for around a half oz each. Also looking to step it up to a 250hps to replace my 150, and maybe a second 250 for veggies and such in a separate area and to veg. Smokey PM me when you get a chance, ready whenever you are.


Active Member
The first half of harvest from the Mango x MasterKush girl was dry a couple days ago and weight came out to 16g plus another 28 I put into butter for some brownies, so 44g from her so far. Later today I'm going to trim down the remainder of her that's been hanging for a couple days and see how much that comes out to. Also, I'll attach pics at that time.

The remainder of the plant yielded an additional 16g, for 60g total. Also got some more seeds from this cut, total weight for seeds was 18g. Eh, 60g and a few hundred seeds isn't too bad. Next run without any seeding should be able to get a lot closer to 1g/w if I stick with the 150 and do two females.
grow female weed no seeds sensimelia good shit u dnt want seeds in ur weed and what r u gna do with 700 seeds
fuking hell ths a lot of seeds bro
start a seed bank


Active Member
grow female weed no seeds sensimelia good shit u dnt want seeds in ur weed and what r u gna do with 700 seeds
fuking hell ths a lot of seeds bro
start a seed bank
Haha I seeded her on purpose to get some seeds. Current plan is I'm sending a bunch to a couple friends when my lazy ass gets around to it. Also looking to try a small perpetual SOG at some point, and with them being reg instead of fem I'm guessing I'll go through quite a few rather quickly.

I've disassembled my grow area and am changing a few things around in it before buying a new light. Then I'll be starting another grow with my new seeds. Might try using some colloidal silver to make fem seeds after a couple more grows. That or I may go for cloning, we'll see. Neither of those will be for a while as I have way too many seeds right now anyways.