Using melted snow to water plants?

I love reading this stuff. Humans are so stupid. Snow gathers heavy metals...but then you go an dump loads of phosphorus into your plants....but for petes sake no snow please.
I love reading this stuff. Humans are so stupid. Snow gathers heavy metals...but then you go an dump loads of phosphorus into your plants....but for petes sake no snow please.
ya that nasty snow an rain coming down on my organic garden,please talk about dumb
Well, I've just read, after Googling it ( I Google everything now - I'm a GoogleGenius ) Apparently because there is no lightning with snow, the melted snow water will lack in nitrogen, unlike rainwater which is exposed to lightning, therefore containing nitrogen. I'm using melted snow for my girls, but I keep an aquarium pump hose on the bottom on the container to keep the water oxygenated so it doesn't go stagnant. I use soil mixture with ZERO nutrients added, just good soil, perlite, and peat mixture, and add my own nutrients as I see fit. My plants are pretty nice, and it's usually always kick ass smoke. Use snow water, I can't see a problem unless you live in an acid rain region...
Snow falling from the sky, unless you live in Los Angeles (where it never snows anyways), has no more heavy metals and contaminants in it than rain water, so I can't defend your argument here. Snow on the ground does collect oils, gasoline, anti-freeze, road salt, you name it, but you'd be nuts to water any plant with that shit. I use melted snow from my back yard...fresh white snow...if I die from it, I'll agree with ya.
It makes me laugh...I constantly get kids, yes kids, basically telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, and the bud today is way way better than in the '60's, '70's...'90's. I have to disagree, because, unlike them, I was there...I actually was physically present and smoked killer weed in the early 1970's...they all just scoff at it and kinda laugh...but how do you know, you weren't even alive then? LoL "Professionals"
It makes me laugh...I constantly get kids, yes kids, basically telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, and the bud today is way way better than in the '60's, '70's...'90's. I have to disagree, because, unlike them, I was there...I actually was physically present and smoked killer weed in the early 1970's...they all just scoff at it and kinda laugh...but how do you know, you weren't even alive then? LoL "Professionals"
how was weed like back then, was it a different kind of high?i m asking it because it happened to smoke some outdoor bud to early and it was kinda "psychedelic" but not long lasting i really wanna smoke some good landrace sativa like thai or something
Pot back in the Seventies was touch & go...if you bought Maui Wowi from Hawaii, it was deadly good, Gold Columbian, Mexican Flowertops, Thai stick...and there was homey...homegrown...sometimes it was deadly too. It's certainly not better than it was's nice looking buds, but it really ain't that potent...I just love how kids in their 20's are telling me that weed was bunk back'd the fuk you know that? You weren't even floating in your daddy's ball sack would you know anything? lol