Using the Scrog as a "drying rack"?


Well-Known Member
Logic tells me that if I cut the base of each plant and leave it in the scrog net in optimal drying conditions (ie. temp/humidity) that it would be the same as cutting and hanging the plant upside down in the same conditions. Am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
I thought about trying to do something similar but I just dont have the room to pull off that manuever without creating a bigger problem for myself.....


Well-Known Member
I thought about trying to do something similar but I just dont have the room to pull off that manuever without creating a bigger problem for myself.....
Same here lol he did it with a 4x4 too but looked cool with one or two hole plants flipped over


Well-Known Member
Growing Is Fun collective in AZ has been doing that for years. Pay them royalties.
Not how business works....unless they have a patent then all they get is a shout out:hump::hump::hump: Hypothetically speaking.... were just joking around having fun!