Using the term "Bong" in a shop


Well-Known Member
So I haven't been to a head shop in a while. Funds have been kind of tight and I already have every thing I need. Well, about a month ago I decided to finally repair a 3 footer I own (needed a down stem and bowl). A friend and I head to the local head shop. When the guy behind the counter asked what I need, I promptly replied "A bowl and down stem for a BONG", to which he replied in a low tone "water pipe". I felt like a fool and said, "oh yeah, water pipe, my bad". He was cool about it but the whole situation felt weird.

My question is, why is it wrong to say "bong" in a medical state? If I'm a medical patient and buy a piece to smoke my legal medicine out of, why the taboo?


People put "I love sailing" bumper stickers on there SUV's but you don't see them sailing in it, do you?


Mostly legal concerns... Some stores maybe a bit older and the owner doesn't know you too well will do that. It's good to get friendly with your local headshop employees for that "awkward" purchasing feeling to go away.

I don't get how they say everything is for tobacco when they sell pookies...

"Why no officer.... This piece of glass that is blackened from a lighter is for smoking........................................

water pipe..."
*run away*