Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Well the only real truth seems to be there

The worldwide attempt to herd the chattel and have them simultaneously "other" the opposition was a resounding success. Thats all that matters.

Who? What are the names and positions of this global cabal that sees benefit in "herding the chattel"? What benefits is it to do so across sovereign boundaries and geopolitical divides? We're all the scientists paid off? By what person or organization? How are you immune to a move that clearly has duped BILLIONS of people of every stripe, education, social position and intelligence?

Please enlighten me here.
Who? What are the names and positions of this global cabal that sees benefit in "herding the chattel"? What benefits is it to do so across sovereign boundaries and geopolitical divides? We're all the scientists paid off? By what person or organization? How are you immune to a move that clearly has duped BILLIONS of people of every stripe, education, social position and intelligence?

Please enlighten me here.


Who? What are the names and positions of this global cabal that sees benefit in "herding the chattel"? What benefits is it to do so across sovereign boundaries and geopolitical divides? We're all the scientists paid off? By what person or organization?
Cui Bono
How are you immune to a move that clearly has duped BILLIONS of people of every stripe, education, social position and intelligence?

Please enlighten me here.

Because I didn't take an experimental jab. owe no debts and hedged for inflation decades ago.

It's really not rocket surgery or a decent attempt at sarcasm even.
Cui Bono

Because I didn't take an experimental jab. owe no debts and hedged for inflation decades ago.

It's really not rocket surgery or a decent attempt at sarcasm even.

Not much of an answer. We have only now begun to study and comprehend the long term effects of smoking cannabis.

But I presume you were smoking it some time ago.
I have found that those who most often fail to answer questions materially and to the point actually have no answers at all.
Or they are are defending an ideology to which they are loyal beyond reason.
This imo is slightly “other category”, not so much no answers as … no answers that survive objective or unbiased test.
From my experience with purple A, this usually obtains.
And then there is this:

Did you read the header of that study?..

Screenshot - 2022-10-07T154141.663.png

"Important: e-prints posted on arXiv are not peer-reviewed by arXiv; they should not be relied upon without context to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field. "
People have been smoking tobacco for hundreds of years and it was only in the past thirty that it was causealy linked to death.
Screenshot - 2022-10-07T154416.887.png

Besides doesn't that sort of reasoning work against your position that the vaccines don't cause death, since we've only barely just started researching their outcomes?
Did you read the header of that study?..

View attachment 5209258

"Important: e-prints posted on arXiv are not peer-reviewed by arXiv; they should not be relied upon without context to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field. "

The context is inherent in the article.
Or they are are defending an ideology to which they are loyal beyond reason.
This imo is slightly “other category”, not so much no answers as … no answers that survive objective or unbiased test.
From my experience with purple A, this usually obtains.

"Loyal beyond reason". And if the ideology is reasonable? Wouldn't a "reasonble" question merit a substantive and "reasonable" response?
"Loyal beyond reason". And if the ideology is reasonable? Wouldn't a "reasonble" question merit a substantive and "reasonable" response?
Yes. By implication, this one is not in the set “reasonable”.

For your abusement, you might search my posts responding to purple A. Quite the weasel dance.