Vaporizer bag alternatives!

Sooo i just made my own vaporizer using an Ace 1100watt heat gun and although the parts attached are crummy, it still works like a charm. The only problem is what i should use to trap the vapor. Currently i am using a sealed jar with a hole etc. It works, but not great, and it can't hold much at once. I know that oven bags would be ideal and i am planning on getting some in the future but right now they are currently unavailable to me. So my question is what else could i use to hold in the vapor that could endure the heat from the gun?? (preferrably a household item but if not its fine)


Well-Known Member
You'll have to have a 'plenum' to protect any bag from the heat...I use kroger plastic bags...subway bags, bread bags....any food grade bag will work...take a toilet tissue cardboard adn make a 'plenum'...