ventilation experts!!!


Well-Known Member
Sup everyone i'm in need of some help a.s.a.p. I have a grow box 3X2X5(LXDXH) i'm gunna put a 150watt hps and i have never used a cool tube or had experience with ducting, i don't even know where to begin lol.:wall:
if someone could give me some straight answers on what kind of fans, dryer(don't know what that is but heard of them), scrubber to buy it would be appreciated.

O btw, would i be able to upgrade to 250hps?
and since the cool tube is getting ducted what about the air in the box? would that need a intake/exhaust as well? i just need straight answers thanks!:bigjoint:



New Member
In a box that size i would think a 250 would be no problem, i run a 400 in a box about 4x2x6. If your cooltube takes in air from inside the box you will probably be ok without another exhaust but if it is ducted to intake and exhaust outside the box you will need another exhaust for sure. And i doubt that in a box that size you will need an active intake, Maybe use one fan for the cooltube and one for a 2nd exhaust and just have a hole/s at the bottom, all that air blowing out will create a vaccum drawing air in through the holes. Just be sure to have a fan inside the box circulating the air around inside and you will do fine.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
In a box that size i would think a 250 would be no problem, i run a 400 in a box about 4x2x6. If your cooltube takes in air from inside the box you will probably be ok without another exhaust but if it is ducted to intake and exhaust outside the box you will need another exhaust for sure. And i doubt that in a box that size you will need an active intake, Maybe use one fan for the cooltube and one for a 2nd exhaust and just have a hole/s at the bottom, all that air blowing out will create a vaccum drawing air in through the holes. Just be sure to have a fan inside the box circulating the air around inside and you will do fine.

Good Luck
that was fast lol. so to conserve having ducts ruining around in my room, i'm just gunna have the cool tube take air from inside the box and exhaust it and just have one intake at the bottom and of coarse a fan inside circulating the air. would this be a good set up for the exhaust?


Well-Known Member
exhaust at the top and intake at the bottom. intake hole the same size as exhaust hole to start, then adjust. you dont need 2 fans. just connect the fan the exhaust end of tube then connect a piece of same size hose to the intake and run to the highest point of room and mount fiter on the end.
the air will come in the intake inthe room through the filter and tube and out the fans exhaust.
your room cfm is 30 cfm, a 400 watt light is good for a 3x3 room so you could get close to that wattage. get a minimum 150 to and up cfm fan. the extra is for adjusting for hose lenght and back pressure from filter


Well-Known Member
that was fast lol. so to conserve having ducts ruining around in my room, i'm just gunna have the cool tube take air from inside the box and exhaust it and just have one intake at the bottom and of coarse a fan inside circulating the air. would this be a good set up for the exhaust?



Well-Known Member
exhaust at the top and intake at the bottom. intake hole the same size as exhaust hole to start, then adjust. you dont need 2 fans. just connect the fan the exhaust end of tube then connect a piece of same size hose to the intake and run to the highest point of room and mount fiter on the end.
the air will come in the intake inthe room through the filter and tube and out the fans exhaust.
your room cfm is 30 cfm, a 400 watt light is good for a 3x3 room so you could get close to that wattage. get a minimum 150 to and up cfm fan. the extra is for adjusting for hose lenght and back pressure from filter
Hey thanks for the reply man.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Dave, just looked at your drawing dude, you'd be better putting your exhaust as high up your box as poss and also put your intake hole low and on the opposite wall and not the same wall, 1x250 will be fine, put in a small deskfan for circulation...


Well-Known Member
exhaust at the top and intake at the bottom. intake hole the same size as exhaust hole to start, then adjust. you dont need 2 fans. just connect the fan the exhaust end of tube then connect a piece of same size hose to the intake and run to the highest point of room and mount fiter on the end.
the air will come in the intake inthe room through the filter and tube and out the fans exhaust.
your room cfm is 30 cfm, a 400 watt light is good for a 3x3 room so you could get close to that wattage. get a minimum 150 to and up cfm fan. the extra is for adjusting for hose lenght and back pressure from filter
i'm having trouble trying to picture what your it possible you could draw something small up in paint or something my bad man i'm a real newbie hahah


Well-Known Member
no problem. just give me a bit. i`m going to eat dinner now so i`ll do it after that


Well-Known Member
ok i just drew something up quick and took a picture of it, easier for me. add an oscilating room fan and that should be good. oh and make the intake hole the same size as your fan is. you may need to adjust it from there to get the right negative pressure



Well-Known Member
use an activated carbon filter, or make one.
the fans and filters work more eficiently when drawing air instead of blowing


Well-Known Member
3 x 2 x 5 = 30 cubic ft / every 3 mins = 10 CFM

You need a fan that will circulate air flow completely every 3 mins (20 times in one hour = 600 cubic ft)

So yes, 230 CFM is plenty!