Venus Flytrap


Well-Known Member
I just got one while I was high. It looked cool so I had to have it. Should I put it under like a 50 watt cfl or something? what should I do to give it the best life?


Well-Known Member
venus fly traps will do find under minimal light conditions. Just put it next to a window that gets a couple of hours of light.


Well-Known Member
It needs to be moist a lot. Did it come with a humidity dome? You should consider getting one for it.


Well-Known Member
It needs to be moist a lot. Did it come with a humidity dome? You should consider getting one for it.

Yeah it came in a plastic tube thing that was open at the top. I cut it out though becuase I could barely see it. Should I do the 2 leter soda bottle method?


Well-Known Member
My mother used to grow Venus flytraps and pitcher plants in her orchid house. They require rather specialized care, unless you live in an area that mimics their native habitat.


Well-Known Member
Holy bats dude! That is such a cool plant!

I think it is transplant time. Do you know what PH and stuff it thrives in? Looks like it might need N but I am not sure what color it is supposed to be. I love the teeth and there are a lot of snapping heads on there. That's wicked!!!!


Well-Known Member
Holy bats dude! That is such a cool plant!

I think it is transplant time. Do you know what PH and stuff it thrives in? Looks like it might need N but I am not sure what color it is supposed to be. I love the teeth and there are a lot of snapping heads on there. That's wicked!!!!

Well thanks. Glad you like it.


Well-Known Member
LOL it's like one of those things I think are kind of eerie and creepy but really cool at the same time. You have to be a certain kind of person to have that plant most definitely. It's one thing to admire from a distance....LOL. I really want to see you help it get big and eat some flies. Of all things I really do not like flies. Did you know they vomit everytime they land? I am sure they have a ecological purpose....I just wish somebody would tell me what the hell it is.


Well-Known Member
To decompose! Every time they land they drop eggs. Which is why: you leave trash out, flies come on it, lay eggs, the eggs hatch into maggots, which turns into more flies. Icky, but it's what happens!

Also, I think that Venus Fly Trap is awesome! I want to get one now, my friend used to have one, they're neat things.

Does anyone know anything about the specifics of the plant? Seamaiden, your mom used to grow them? That's some neat shit!! Especially the ones with water in the bottoms of them! Id love to do that someday, hah. Can you give us any more information regarding what the plants like though, nutrient/micronutirent or anything else?

Edit: Info on these babys and growing found at
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New Member
haha sweat. i saw loads in home depot when i was looking for san pedro. I'd only seen them in cartoons so it didn't really click that they would actually snap, but i stood there for the next 5 minutes prodding them, its freaky. would be great entertainment when your high
Kanna, can you show some pictures of this plant in near future, cause I think to buy It, but still not sure about It
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