Vermifire soil


Active Member
So I've done a few grows in my day but I have never had enough repetition to pin down a good regimen or soil base. Super soil mixes are confusing to me at this point. I understand that you must combine a base of peat moss vs coco, nutrients and organisms but that's as far as my comprehension goes. I've had good success with Fox Farm Ocean forest with adding fertilizers into my water supply and molasses to increase my resin production in the last couple weeks of flowering. I'm planning on switching to a "hotter" base soil of Vermifire since it has the added benefit of Myco's for increased root growth/mass, which has been an issue for me in the past. I am going to start my seedlings in a 4 inch layer of Ocean Forest and transplant into a Vermifire base thereafter to prevent any burning at the beginning of the grow.

To get to my point, I'm looking for some advice in regards to whether I need to make a super soil mix and add it to the Vermifire base. I know I will have to add fertilizer after about 4 weeks solely with the Vermifire, but is that required if I add a super soil mix to the VF base? If I don't need to add a super soil to VF, what nutrients/additives should I add to it in order to have a good base to start with? I want this grow to remain organic from start to finish also.


I have been using VF since they first started making it. I always cut it with 2-3 parts coco/peat/perlite for seedlings. I have never had any issues with bugs other than one or 2 times gnats, but easily controllable. I had beem using FFOF and loving it for 7 years until they started adding thrips to their soil mix. Every store I bought the crap from had thrips. I never went back to FFOF.

Once my seedlings have a couple sets of leaves and outgrow a solo cup, I transplant to straight VF. For flowering I take the original seedling mix and create supersoil with it using the VF/coco/peat/perlite as a base. I only do 1/4 recipe because I have no way of mixing more than 100 lbs of soil.