Vertical grow setup question(s)


Hello peeps,

I'm starting a new project and could use some input.

I have a growtank. This is a vertical setup. It has room for 280 cuttings on rockwool slabs. The system uses 2x 600 watt.
The diameter is 142cm/55,9 Inch. The distance (horizontal) between the plants is 15 cm. People reported to yield 1kg using 100 plants (white widow).

Here are some pics of a growtank setup, mine is a little different (made from alliminium instead of plastic)

I have a hard time deciding which plants to use.

I wonder what would be the best plant to use for this system.
I want to try autoflowering plants since they stay short. The only problem is that I'll have to buy seeds every time.
I could use cuttings, which are cheaper to buy then seeds or I could produce them myself. The problem with cuttings is that in this system they don't yield much (max 10gr of a plant)

What are your thoughts? I could really use some fresh input here.

ps. this is my first post here


Well-Known Member
10gr per plant x 100 plants= 1kg ;)

you can keep clones short too is you put them straight into 12/12 lighting not sure what strain to suggest tho


Indeed that's what is recommended for the growtank. One day 18/6 and then 12/12, but I'm wondering if I can't yield more with autoflowering strains. Since they stay short aprox. 50 cm and yield between 20 and 50 gr per plant.


Active Member
indica indica indica! Something that doesn't stretch at all or hardly. It's way easier with clones than sprouts because you just throw them in 12/12 for x amount of days.


Well-Known Member
Try something like TOP 44, Ive heard good things from SOG growers. Look for some threads that they have and see which plant is good for cloning and straight to 12/12.
Good Luck


Thnx for the reply's guys. I'll try and find a good indica strain. It has to be a really short one, since the plants can only get 55 cm.
I'll have a look Reggaerican's single cola thread, perhaps that would help in my situation
When I'm ready I'll make sure to post a grow journal to keep you guys updated.