verticial mover anyone got an idea


Well-Known Member
hey guy so here is my problem(after much looking i can't find a vertical Light mover). i have 4 lights that need to go up and down automaticly, just like a light mover that would go from side to side( just up and down instead). so im thinking that a eletric pulley for lights would work fine, but i need some sensor to lower them to a point and bring them back up to were they started. any idea's of what this looks like........


Well-Known Member
it may be too heavy but a lightmover may still work...get mcgyver on that shit.
:cry:no light mover's can't move the up ward wight. it couldn't even do one and i got four to do:shock: and i only wish mcgyver was on this site.

mcgyver the pot head, hear to help you out.that would kcik ass. thing's might get done a little slower, but hell im sure it would be steady and true...

now if only i had a vertical light mover :-|