Vertigrow: Utilizing Vertical Space In Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Odyssey are finally getting close to finished.
Some of em are so fat that they can't support their own weight... going to need to add in a cage next time.

I had a few indica plants (purps?) that I had thrown in here, and they are done now.
I love the purple strains, but they are such a pain to propagate. They've got a high propensity to mold!

pics or it didnt happen? ok here it goes.

I don't get it.. you say your system is vertical.. but clearly by all your pictures you are growing horizontally... FAIL!

Just kiddin Clowny.. looking nice.

can you post a link to the side by side results with these and the RDWC you talk about?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I don't get it.. you say your system is vertical.. but clearly by all your pictures you are growing horizontally... FAIL!

Just kiddin Clowny.. looking nice.

can you post a link to the side by side results with these and the RDWC you talk about?
Yea when I go back I can snag you some pics.

The side by side is of some tomatoes.
one is running aero with 2" plugs, and one is running rdwc with 3" netpots.
The root system is way nicer on the aero. Explosive growth compared to rdwc.

Both reservoirs had airstones in them, pretty cool room temps.

Only issue with aero is checking sprayers, but the difference in growth might actually be worth it...
Thanks for your answer, sorry it took me so long to respond. Sweet, so it is a worthwhile investment, in other words =]. Again, very neat, and thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
Ran a very similar set up my self when i first started doing vertical. Interesting set up for sure :)

I always had a love for growing trees tho 6-8ft and that set up was restricting me from that. So i went all cool tubes now get to grow tree's and still go vertical :-D 2 of best world hehe.

+rep for attempting verticle wish more people would give it a try ;)

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Man, oh Man.

Most of these plants have fallen over under their own weight.
Not bad, considering all I used were FoxFarm base nutrient (tiger bloom) and a generic PK booster from home depot.

Added a Metal Halide to finish these plants off, and am starting to flush them out.
You can already see a little color formation as the green fades.
And these plants are packing on trichomes from the extra UV that the MH is bringing to the table.



Also I'm looking at strains and it seems like growing indicas (shorter) would be better for this type of grow?


Well-Known Member
White rhino would be good. Compact as fuck.

You mentioned earlier that a vertical light mover would be pimp. If your running a bare bulb that would be super easy. The lamp
Cord runs through a pulley wheel mounted over the center of your grow. Then zip tie the cord to a light mover. Cord gets longer..light lower. Cord gets shorter... Well, you get the picture.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Looks awesome. How do you plan on putting in a screen for your next batch?
looked better when the plants actually stood up... I'll get nicer pics later, these phone pics dont do them justice.Should have developed some kind of hook system to hole plants up, but its a PITA to get in there, so I'll just do a screen next run. I can just make a circular screen like 14" to 18" diameter and put it around the light. Could rest it on the fan or something. So when the plants get so fat they fall over, I can just ziptie them upright to the screen

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
running a new nutrient regiment. I used to run just foxfarm 3part, grow big, big bud, and tigerbloom.
this run I ran a new strain (odyssey) and used only tiger bloom and a PK booster (11 52 7)

Plants are so fat they cant support themselves. Might use potassium silicate and a stronger fan next time. The screen will help too.

I guess I could have worse thing to complain about than my plants having too much bud to stand up.....

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Also I'm looking at strains and it seems like growing indicas (shorter) would be better for this type of grow?
You could grow some indicas in here. I would definitely recomment vegging them a bit though. You'll want plants that are at least 6" (height of each tray) + (distance between each tray) after flowering. I grew a few purps plants and flowered them right after clone, they only grew like 8" tall. It's a waste of space if you dont grow your plants all the way up inside the next tray. Odyssey Is a hydrid, and it went from ~4"=6" to about 14"=20" after flowering. 1/2 to 1 1/2 oz per plant, it's looking like.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Grower's Insider's Guide [Paperback]
Mel Frank (Author)

download as a torrent file:

check it out first on here:

scroll down to the section "About The Published Nutrient Profiles" to see what I am talking about. Basically, it is a customized plan for using GH that is cannabis-specific.

I am downloading the book now... I started using this yesterday on some veg and seedlings..

Hey bud,whats the chance you can post up that mix ratio in this thread,or even start another thread dedicated to that specific mix chart,if you dont copy & paste but write it up in your own words,but following the recipe i will see if we can put it up as a sticky in the hudroponics section.

I cant download on my internet device or i would get that myself,can you please post it for all gh users like myself,would be a huge benifit to the forum.



Well-Known Member
Hey bud,whats the chance you can post up that mix ratio in this thread,or even start another thread dedicated to that specific mix chart,if you dont copy & paste but write it up in your own words,but following the recipe i will see if we can put it up as a sticky in the hudroponics section.

I cant download on my internet device or i would get that myself,can you please post it for all gh users like myself,would be a huge benifit to the forum.


This pages has Mel Frank's recipe on it... I have only used it for one rez or two. not a whole grow.

I currently use GH FLora Series in a specialized ratio that my hydro store buddy rigged up. .. You basically have spring Summer and Autumn mixes.. He based the N-P-K ratios on some discontinued fertilizer line that he thought had good ratios... It is very close to the Mel Frank ratio, actually.. I have it Sharpied on my grow room wall, so I don't have THAT recipe here in my house at the moment.

I plan on doing a side by side with Cutting Edge Solutions 3 part.. Apparently rhey have re-made the GH series with better ingredients and more fine-tuning from their norcal location.....


Well-Known Member
G, M, B
Spring 9, 5, 8
Summer 8, 6, 4
Autumn 7, 6, 13
that is in ML/gallon

is the other recipe for flora series three part.. my hydro store friend formulated it to copy a brand that had these n-p-k ratios and then went out of business..

These N-P-K ratios mix up right in between "mel Frank's" and "ph imbalance's" ratios as shown on the cannastats page..

I like this with the Kool Bloom liquid and then powder..


Well-Known Member
clowny you still on here bro?

check your pm's please.
Would like your input on things that I finally have rolling with the vert set up.
Hey dudes.
So I bought some of these vertigrow trays. Circular flood trays with a hollowed center, allowing you to light it from the middle... Pictures will explain it better. The system is pretty cool because its pretty versatile. You can have different numbers of trays, and space them differently. You can also run it as ebb&flow, RDWC, or aero. You could also probably rig up a drip with some 1/2" tubing.
bought them at

open bulb in the middle of the trays. Actually it's positioned a little above the top tray...
It's an eye hortilux hps 600w bulb with a hydrofarm phantom ballast.

I'm cooling the light with a 20" box fan positioned in the middle of the lowest tray, blowing air up. Again, you'll see it in the pictures.
The tent is about 3.5"x3.5"x6". I'm exhausing it right now with a 9" blizzard fan.
Passive intakes.

I'm running 2 trays right now. filled with 5.5" pots.
I can cram 18 5.5" square pots in each level.

Currently running foxfarm 3part. might hit it with monopotassium phosphate for a pk boost in week 3 or 4.

im about 1.5 weeks into flower right now, with an EC of 1.2. bluelab truncheon.
I keep pH between 5.5 and 6.

Not sure about its lineage. Bought one mother plant from a dispensary and ripped 40 cuttings off of it. Was able to leave all of the tops. It's about 1 month into flower right now.
Anyways the cuttings went into this system and are looking alright.
I gave them a week or so of veg.
If anyone knows the genetics for odyssey (not odyssey kush), feel free to speak up.

So, I like this thing because you get good penetration with the vertical lighting in the center. And you can keep your grow to a smaller footprint. Less floorspace!
Pretty good stuff... I'm all about scrunching as many plants under one light as possible. Hydro until the end of time