Very early flowering method outdoors


Hi all,

I'm new here and wondered if anyone has experience of early flowering/harvesting outdoors. Does it slow down the flowering process is my query.

Here's what happened: I sprouted seeds (afghani x chem diesel strain) under lights in Oregon on Mar 1. On April 8, I put them in the ground, going from 17 hours of lights to about 13-14 hours daylight/sunshine. The plants began flowering 3-5 weeks after going outside. And the plants continued to grow nicely (now 54" tall and about the same in width and quite bushy/full). No re-revegging, no hermies. BUT now finishing the 12th week of flowering. Seems like a long time flowering.
Most pistils are white, most trichomes are cloudy with one amber here or there, except on the first flowers formed where about 20-30% are amber.
Seems like a great method, if it works consistently -- early harvest, no mold problems etc.



Well-Known Member
not even close so don't worry about trichromes now wait until the buds have filled out and the stamens have started to turn.


Yep, good advice and thanks. Will do it: smiling about Kevin the Great's advice! Backtracker says what my conscience says: wait. It is a long time for a supposedly 8-week flowering strain, but, ah well, so much for numbers!

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Then yes it did reveg, just not fully. Mine used to do that too before I learned.
Without supplemental lighting outside or totally adjusting your plant to outdoor lighting (slowly) that will happen. April is way to early to put a plant outside when it's been indoors.
You actually will lose out on yield and potency this way.


Well, perhaps it did partially reveg. Flowers and pistils continually appeared since mid-May. But, ganga gurl, I'm going to wait it out and see what sort of harvest i get. I do have a couple plants on a regular schedule (we are allowed 4 plants at one time here in Oregon) so the two oddballs that began flowering in May will be a test.

Thanks for the response.