

Active Member
How uch percocet 325mg and vicoden it says apap 5-500 should i take? i probobly wont try the oxy cause i really am scared.. i haven't popped pills and forever i scared im gunna have my heart stop beating... i weigh 90pounds btw(yes im small as shit)


Active Member
Sorry. I'm not buying it. I'm keeping my big fat mouth shut. I'm all for harm reduction but i can't, in good conscience, lead you down this path. There's probably a good reason your scared. You can't un-ring this bell.


Active Member
90 pounds... u better be a girl... and if ud rather take percs and vics before oxy cotton... your not too experienced with them


Active Member
And i wouldn't recommend someone that weighs 90lbs with no opiate tolerance touch Oxycontin.


Well-Known Member
Ok, reefster(?) your question can be answered pretty easily but I want to go on for a bit, so it's going to take a bit of work on your part. Haha, not really.

.Calico, man what's the deal, these boards are for people who are uninformed to ask a question, and for people who have something to share, everyone gets to try. When people ask questions there is no need to get or give the third degree like a law enforcement tactic. Everyone can express there opinion but the thread starter should be able to expect either some positive feedback and little to no friction with people that need to feel high and mighty. There isn't very many qualifications for this site and if a person is honestly asking them are you not going to answer them to the best of your abilities. But because of the sequence of events and finding out that this person, reefster(?), may not be of age to use this site, I respect that you didn't give him the 411. But because either I act on a different set of morals, or whatever you may call it, I will let this person know where he might be able to find this information.

Now reefster(?) if you didn't get bored and stop, because of your massive opiate dose from lack of willingness to share, I will let you know something. There is a site called It contains a database of many, many, drugs of all varietis , as well as experience reports, general information, and other information. Best guess is you'll find something solid there.



Well-Known Member
did you take a perc yet, take the friggin thing and see how you feel.

fuck these people saying your a 90lb girl and pop a damn pill already

if one dosnt fuck you up thake a vic on top and if that dosnt fuck you up keep taking half a vic till you are

its called testing your limits, and evryone needs to know where theyre at


Well-Known Member
I agree but I would still stay away from the OC. But fuck it you never know till you try. Self knowledge of the drugs you take is an amazing idea. Believe me.


Well-Known Member
you never said what mg the oc was, if there 10s go ahead and take them

if there highter break em in half and experiment

i dont want to hear in the news tomorow that a 90lb kid ODed on pain killers thanks to the advice on RIU so take it easy and find your limits


Active Member
you never said what mg the oc was, if there 10s go ahead and take them

if there highter break em in half and experiment

i dont want to hear in the news tomorow that a 90lb kid ODed on pain killers thanks to the advice on RIU so take it easy and find your limits
5-325g and what does apap? its substituted for percocet


Well-Known Member
ohhh do you mean OC like oxycontin, or oxycodone, percocet?

apap means-N-acetyl-para-aminophenol

meaning contains acetaminophen, Tylenol

it says apap on alot of pills containing tylenol