Viewing trichs without magnifying glass


Well-Known Member
ok so today i was takin pics of my buda 5 weeks flowerin and i could see the trichs on my leafs with bare eyes and the bulbs on top of them so i took some good pics of them kinda facing the light and when i uploaded theem to my com i could see the trichs even better, so i went into paint and made the image bigger and could see them even better and i could see that the tirch was still completly clear i would upload some pics of it but the JPG is waaaay to big to view if u guys dont believe me jus stry it for ur self i took my pics wit a kodak 8mega pixels and can only mutiply the view by 10


Well-Known Member
but than again those were the trichs on the leafs and im not sure if there at the same stage as the ones on the bud


Well-Known Member

Those are some great photos. Really cool. Some of those trichs look cloudy to me fromt he pics, but they may just be picking up the ambient blue light.

From personal experience, I thought that I had enough magnification where I could tell what was going on with my trichs at 60x. I would look and look and see that some where clear and some were milky. but when I got 100x magnification, I could see that I was actually wrong. My trichs were amber and I couldn't see it with just 60x.

So be careful. I thought that I could see them and I thought that I could tell, but nothing will replace a good 100x scope.