visiting cali can i get a card or do i have to live there


Active Member
hey i always thought that to get a medical card u have to be a resident of that state but when my friend went to cali she went in the dispensary and bought with no problem she might have found a doctor im not sure but i know for sure she went in and had no problems but does anyone if she had to see a doctor first


Well-Known Member
he had to be bullshiting you, you need a card or another card from another state, OR he went into a shady non legal center, you must live in the state for one year to be a card holder unless a DR.expedites the order form..but you would have to have a serious illness..


Well-Known Member
That is not entirely accurate. California's MMJ law is available for residents only, and to prove your residency you must have a Lease or Mortgage, or a Utility bill with your name and California address. There is no residency time limit. Then you can see a compassionate doctor and get a recommendation, and ultimately do business with a marijuana provider. Also MMJ cards from other states are not recognized in California, we don't have the reciprocity clause in our law.



Well-Known Member
moost disp. have there own drs.... 60 buys a rec. the doc gives u a high five and signs ur rec. u walk out legal. then can go next door to the disp. all u need is something with ur name and address.. latterly a magazine sub. will do this for u.


Active Member
ya i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 2years ago i control it well with a clean diet just veggies and lean meat/fish like chicken turkey wild salmon and weed helps big time especially when it first happen.