visual alterations


Well-Known Member
Grow a purple strain. Drop temp. Some say ice water Idk shit that but good luck droping temp.out side as it warms up.
rite there, and just so u now not all strains will change color with a temp drop, some will show color with a small temp drop, others wont change at all


Well-Known Member
ice water is the only thing ive heard, that you could do outdoors. some strain will never change. it is a genetic trait that allows the plant to change


Well-Known Member
Just let her be man. Give her the best you can and she will give you the best she can, if you start trying to mess around with nute def/abundance it wont like it. All you're going to end up doing is sacrificing yield/potency while maybe turning a few fan leaves purple which are going to end up getting trimmed off anyways. I dont understand this obsession for purple and wanting to ruin a perfectly good plant to do so, as others have said get a known purple strain and hunt for a purple pheno.


Well-Known Member
If you want purple get a purple strain. The color it is ment to be is the best color. Only question I have is why you would want to make it purple?