Mr Neutron
Well-Known Member
I don't know how the double post happened, just call me a post whore!
You are ... a ... progressive/liberal/socialist...
How about MY choice? ... My choice to imbibe in whatever recreational drug I choose?
My choice to fly on a plane without being sexually molested in the terminal? (how does your wife's body feel about that one, Uncle Buck?)
You are an elitist. You think you know better how to run people's lives than they do. Even if you do, it's their lives. If they want to waste them, THAT is THEIR CHOICE!!!!!
GOD, I wish I had a joint....
I don't know how the double post happened, just call me a post whore!
Romney is wack...he's mormon and doesn't even have multiple wives, now that's lame.Romney is also the only candidate I am considering other than Obama for my 2012 vote. It's not likely, but it really depends on if Obama grows some damn balls.
Ask Carne SecaRomney is wack...he's mormon and doesn't even have multiple wives, now that's lame.
Romney is wack...he's mormon and doesn't even have multiple wives, now that's lame.
Uncle Buck, I just want to clear up a couple of things.
First, on Romney. You say you would vote for him even though you admit that he flip-flops on the issues, correct? But you won't vote for a Ron Paul because you say he wants to control women's bodies and he is not a real Libertarian, am I correct?
Second, your wife's body. You stated "i was speaking of someone like my wife, who uses birth control and is an adult, being allowed to make a decision concerning something that can possibly kill her in any of the 50 states." I am confused as to how using or not using birth control could kill her. Also, I am confused as to how birth control relates to abortion. Unless you see abortion as a form of birth control. In that case I believe that is murder. If you don't believe me just look at the cases where someone deliberately or otherwise causes the death of a pregnant woman (and the fetus) and is charged as a double homicide or manslaughter. You can't have it both ways, it either is or it isn't.
they mean different things, ya know.
blame it on that shitty mexico internet.![]()
I would be so happy if Obama and Hillary started fighting over who's going to be president and see Palin be dumb and Romney look like he's in the twilight zone and the vote gets split and we end up with President PaulI love Ron Paul and his son Rand. They speak the message of liberty. With that said, I'm not going to fool myself into believing that Ron Paul has a chance in Hell of gaining the presidency. Here's why: He is not the choice of the establishment. The establishment's choice will be Obama on the Dem side. If Obama is unelectable because the economy is still tanking, then Hillary will be the establishment's choice on the Dem side. On the Republican side, Romney will be the establishment's choice. All other Republican candidates will be ridiculed, marginalized and attacked by the establishment. We will be watching Saul Alinski's "Rules for Radicals" unfolding again, just as it did against Sarah Palin during the last election ... and ever since. Any candidate that is not "main stream" will face the onslaught of the Main Stream Media. They will be the butt of every joke on late-night TV. So, we will be left with the choice between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, all spouting the establishment mantra, ala Obama/McCain.
Let's face it, the average American has been totally dumbed down and doesn't have a clue other than what they see on the evening news, Saturday Night Live or Bill Mahar ... all establishment outlets. Just take a look at what they have done to Sarah Palin and Ron Paul in the past and currently doing to Michelle Bachmann and other strict constitutionalist like them.
I would be so happy if Obama and Hillary started fighting over who's going to be president and see Palin be dumb and Romney look like he's in the twilight zone and the vote gets split and we end up with President Paul
Paul, Ventura, Duke.I'm with you beardo. I'd be happy with any of these: Paul, Palin, Bachmann, Chris Christy, Paul Ryan or Col. West, just to name a few. And to be clear, not because they are Republicans, but because they are Constitutional Conservatives.
#2 The U.S. economy actually grew more between 1930 and 1940 than it did during the decade that recently ended.
#5 Between 1999 and 2009, real median household income in the United States declined by 5.0%.
Just take a look at what they have done to Sarah Palin and Ron Paul in the past and currently doing to Michelle Bachmann and other strict constitutionalist like them.
Fixed it for ya.Check out Dr. Paul putting it down in this new clip.. He calls bullshit on both parties.. I hope he runs in 2012!!!!