VP Debate Tonight.


Well-Known Member
We're all watching in real time, idiot. You declared victory for Biden before the debate even started. Demonstrating, as usual, you can't separate reality from wishful thinking.
Look why not watch and interact? You gotta go after me? Go fly a kite..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We're all watching in real time, idiot. You declared victory for Biden before the debate even started. Demonstrating, as usual, you can't separate reality from wishful thinking.
You seem to have a sour pickle up your sphincter this fine evening. Menstruating again?


Well-Known Member
Ryan dodged the question of when He/They would get Unemployment below 6 %

LOL what an asshole!!


Well-Known Member
Now Ryan is trying to defend a two tiered approach to Medicare and Social security/!

Like people under 54 need less Medicare and Social security than someone older than 54

Here is where I think the Democrats and Republicans are failing

We need more benefits not the same or less!!!


Well-Known Member
Now Ryan is trying to defend a two tiered approach to Medicare and Social security/! Like people under 54 need less Medicare and Social security than someone older than 54 Here is where I think the Democrats and Republicans are failing We need more benefits not the same or less!!!
What we "need" is immaterial. What we can pay for is the key. I suspect that those under 54 may get less than their elders, regardless of who wins the next election. We are in a bubble of extremely low interest rates. When they rise to their historical norms, as they surely will, the shit will hit the fan.


Well-Known Member
Ryan is looking weak because numbers are not the things we want to hear! I should know..

So who pays and who doesn't from my "Working Poor" perspective is such a lame argument.

They are fighting about how rich is rich and who has to give up a portion of that rich..

What is needed is better wages for the working poor, medical care, better social security benefits as time goes on.

Perhaps the jerks who complain about me are independently wealthy but I have worked over 30 years already and i can tell you corporations don't care if I die.