

Well-Known Member
Alaska is the biggest, sry. LOL.. stoner moment. but seriously, just because it's legal in Texas doesn't mean it is everywhere. LOL.


Well-Known Member
i not easy scared but i thought he, the burgler mite have a partner, and i had no clothes shoes, pants. nothing. it hard enuf trying to fite, with no shoes on . nevermind no pants.lol.
every time i go in a room i think theres going to be someone there. i have 3 dogs. terries but they were in there pen, cos there on heat.
the police were talking to me, as if, i was the street hero, but all i wanted to do was lite a bliff and wait for them to fuck off. i get nervous when the police are around my yard.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what they were they were my kids he said it was a psp, and ps2 games and xbox games. he had no car just a bmx . so he looked like a kid. crafty get. anyway i hope hes doing his rip in armley jail leeds, its like an old castle its well horrible looking from outside. just looked on google. hahahaha he came 3 days in a row. 3rd time not lucky. hahahaha


Just some idiot
i was working late last nite, so this morning i slept in a wile . the wife and kids went to work/school ect.
anyway i herd this noise, so i went to look down stairs, in my birthday suit.:roll: and my little cosh behind my back.and there was a man about 25 years of age.
i said who are you? to this lad in my front room.
he said. im a friend of your sons.
i sed whats his name ??.
he sed john.:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: that was the wrong name.:evil::evil::evil::evil:
so i hit him with the cosh and sat on him for 22 mins till the police come. with no clothes on at all.
nice site.mmm
i wish i live in america id av shott the little fucker.
app. he was around on monday, he stole a pet. kids m.bike
and app on tuesday he had tryed to get in my sons bedroom window but one of the neibours saw him that day, but he reached in and stole a sov. ring and a c.card. and today i caught the fucker. he had all my wifes gold, all of it, phones, p.s 3 and games cds.
when we emptied his pockets he still had the things "g.sov. and my sons c.cards. what hed stole yesterday.
it must have been a lovely site . me naked fighting for my life .
but what can you do in england. you get in trouble if you hit any intruders in your own home?
how bad is that.
Yeah over here if you shoot an intruder you could go to jail or get sued. Just ask the burglar who had to live on dog food and pepsi for a week, cause he locked himself in the garage with no way out while the owners were on vacation. He sued them and won. Only in America. Oh and he won because the garage door malfunctioned, it was considered a safety hazard.


Well-Known Member
Just get a sock full of pennies for next time.
Nobody want's to get hit in the mouth with a sock full of pennies.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what state you are in. Many states consider anyone in your home uninvited as a threat to your life and you are justified in using deadly force.
In most (or all) states, you have to be able to show that this person showed equal deadly threat to you or others that you had to use deadly force in return.


If you catch someone standing in your living room with a bag of your stuff, you cannot shoot him. You need to call the police and try to hold him at gunpoint until they arrive. If they attempt to run, do NOT shoot them, especially not in the back. Let them go.

If you catch someone in your house, and they have a gun, you can shoot them ( Always shoot to kill ).

If they have a knife, it is in the grey area. Since a knife is not normally considered equal to a gun, you have to avoid shooting them if possible.
Of course in the end, I'd rather live and go to court then die.


Well-Known Member
i rather have all my things anyday, and dont let some dickhead try to knick it. the cops have been to the burgalers house raided it, to look for the petrol schooter he took, but it wasnt at his house, the burgaler came on a bmx and i havent handed it in, ive give it to my kid, hes well chuffed its a diomand back.


Just some idiot
was that the one who got stuck in the dog/cat trap.
I think so, I have to find the article again. There was also the lady that sued a store cause there was a kid causing a safety hazard in the store, misbehaving and running around. Well the kid hurt the lady she sued and won. The kid was her's BTW....lol.


Active Member

that a shame man, its even more of a shame that you cant throttle him.
nice on the nake sudue thuo. i would have made him fall down some steps or something.

remind me not to live where you live:peace:

smile man!, you got your shit back, it all good ray,ray!!!

im glad that you got redemption , no matter how it came
better man then me.

one more thing, DEAD men dont tell lies!!!!

have fun everybody


Well-Known Member
Thats unfortunate, but nice job taking this kid into custody. He was trying to steal a PS3, I didnt even think people still bought Sony gaming consoles. I guess he may have mistaken it for another piece of electronics.
u must be one of those people regreting buying that xbox.....