Waaaa hooooo Spring Has Almost Sprung

yeah, down here in west virginia it's starting to warm up, last frost was a couple days ago... got a few sour diesels waitin to make the trip up on the hill.. yum yum diesel, my fav...
Its been gorgeous here all week long. Its been like summer :hump: and the extended sunlight is a great mood booster

Almost heaven west vir-gin-ia............

Yeah diesel is supposed to be great. I am getting excited about growing outdoors also. I like the indoor growing but NOTHING beats growing OUTDOORS:mrgreen:quote=chiefs away all damn day;755669]yeah, down here in west virginia it's starting to warm up, last frost was a couple days ago... got a few sour diesels waitin to make the trip up on the hill.. yum yum diesel, my fav...[/quote]
Yo Mr. Bong. Wuzzup big boy???:hump::hump::hump:

My arms got sunburned today and my cheeks are pink.:-|

Not that you needed to know that. :? It has been like summer here all week long. :mrgreen: How was your day? And when are we going see Mr. Bong go zoom zoom in your avatar[????:roll:quote=bongspit;755974]what's up lacykins...[/quote]
Took some photos of some spring flowers this morning.


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my spring has been desprung:cry:...... got about half of my veggie field planted then yesterday i was mowing the grass. ran my brush hog over a big branch(didn't see it til it was too late) it hit the blade and shot out hitting my foot:dunce:, now i cant walk, cant finish planting my field, can't push in the clutch on the tractor or drive my truck. first mowing of the year and my old ford tractor got a flat and i can't fix it cause im in pain, my little john Deere broke the starter belt. my spring has been desprung:wall:. at least i was able to go pick up my hippie bus from the trans shop before the swelling set in, couldn't walk once i got home though
Oh gosh tussel. :hug: That sounds very painful.:?

You should put ice on it at least once an hour for the next two days if at all possible to try and keep the swelling down.
Its good to keep your foot elevated also.
Wow thats a bummer. If I could lend you our John Deer I certainly would.
Just keep off your foot and hopefully it will heal up quicker than expected.

Take care and sorry to read about your news.That really sucks especially for spring.:cry:

We have been having summer weather here all week. 23 to 26 degree

anted then yesterday i was mowing the grass. ran my brush hog over a big branch(didn't see it til it was too late) it hit the blade and shot out hitting my foot:dunce:, now i cant walk, cant finish planting my field, can't push in the clutch on the tractor or drive my truck. first mowing of the year and my old ford tractor got a flat and i can't fix it cause im in pain, my little john Deere broke the starter belt. my spring has been desprung:wall:. at least i was able to go pick up my hippie bus from the trans shop before the swelling set in, couldn't walk once i got home though[/quote]
hey i got a quick question for you if you know. that iris i showed you last week or whenever it was, it has like 4 buds on it the first has bloomed and died 2 more have bloomed and still waiting for one, should i cut off the one that already died. oh and thanks for the kind words my foot feels better already. i think i will be able to get around on it tomorrow.
Yes I would cut off the bloom just incase it might be something infectious.

I am glad you are feeliong better.

hey i got a quick question for you if you know. that iris i showed you last week or whenever it was, it has like 4 buds on it the first has bloomed and died 2 more have bloomed and still waiting for one, should i cut off the one that already died. oh and thanks for the kind words my foot feels better already. i think i will be able to get around on it tomorrow.
Now I have some daffodils and tulips coming up. I also have some hyacinths and geramiums as well.
I lost some clematis I think unless they are coming up from the root unstead of the vines themselves.


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my climatis just started to show signs of life last week i guess they are later than i remembered. heres some violets these things were planted by my wifes
grandmother and have spread over the entire back yard and the neighbors yard

and another pic of our herb garden i love this time of year when every thing is new
I have some of those violets also. There are gorgeous and so easy to grow. They grow just about anywhere.
I have an assortment of herbs along the edge of my large vegetable garden.
Its so nice to cook and have a fresh supply of herbs. mmmmmmmm
Thanks for sharing your spring with me. Lovely pictures :)
since we have been having very dry summers, I di not plant my tomatos in the ground this year...I planted them in 5 gallon buckets and I hang them upside down....



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Hubby and I have always wanted a lilac garden so that in Ma when the flower they wonderful smell of lilacs will drift into the house and surrounding area so today we have started one and found this little froggie.
He is sooooo cute !!!!! I just had to take a pic and share it with you. I know:roll: I get excited easy. :?


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Fdd's using them to grow weed in. He has a journal on here too, but I don't know how to post the link. They're called "topsy-turveys".

Yea I have 2 of those topsy things .. BUT the buckets are alot cheaper ... I wonder if you should spray paint the bucket so light does not penetrate to the root system ...
yeah...you hang them upside down and they grow out the bottom of the bucket....
Ooohhhh. So you weren't kidding with me. Oh that is cool. Post pics here later. i would like to see what the grow like. Thanks :mrgreen:

Fdd's using them to grow weed in. He has a journal on here too, but I don't know how to post the link. They're called "topsy-turveys".
Thanks Jimmy. So thats what that dudes talking about :roll:;)

Yea I have 2 of those topsy things .. BUT the buckets are alot cheaper ... I wonder if you should spray paint the bucket so light does not penetrate to the root system ...
Thats ok. I have lots of buckets of big pots. :hump::blsmoke:

Thanks gus. I am learning something new everyday. Can't complain about that.:mrgreen:
Hubby and I have always wanted a lilac garden so that in Ma when the flower they wonderful smell of lilacs will drift into the house and surrounding area :?

and it will smell wonderful! i have lilacs on both sides of my house and my neighbors do also they just started to show little nubs where the flowers will sprout i cant wait the few weeks where my entire yard smells like lilacs is my favorite time of year except october when we harvest.