Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Been away for summer a bit, this is how you start the day right!



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Staff member
Grandpapy I'm getting my piece of contentment this morning served on a silver platter! I am so excited :)

The hub has condescended to accompany me on my 'walk'. He's not even conscious of how I'm suiting up! The buzzards will be picking the flesh off his bones around mile 3, ROFLMAO!! :) then we shall see won't we? LOL my nice little walk! Take that oh condescending man.

Although I must admit I'm still considering how I can barf into the neighbors lawn all the while looking like I'm having a cool time running! Oh well it might not happen.... We will cross that lawn when we come to it. Let's hope there are no greek gods on hoof today!



New Member
wake n bakes getting old... waking up at 7 am... smoking oil by 8am and burning out HARD by noon or 2pm... needing a nap by around 3 or 4 because your so damn lazy and burnt out from smoking oil since 7am... kinda ruins your day. makes me feel like shit. maybe its just the 7am BHO wake and bakes causing a very hard burnout. you get very high, very quick... but you burn out very bad, very fast.


Well-Known Member
wake n bakes getting old... waking up at 7 am... smoking oil by 8am and burning out HARD by noon or 2pm... needing a nap by around 3 or 4 because your so damn lazy and burnt out from smoking oil since 7am... kinda ruins your day. makes me feel like shit. maybe its just the 7am BHO wake and bakes causing a very hard burnout. you get very high, very quick... but you burn out very bad, very fast.
sounds like you need a good sativa :joint:


Well-Known Member
wake n bakes getting old... waking up at 7 am... smoking oil by 8am and burning out HARD by noon or 2pm... needing a nap by around 3 or 4 because your so damn lazy and burnt out from smoking oil since 7am... kinda ruins your day. makes me feel like shit. maybe its just the 7am BHO wake and bakes causing a very hard burnout. you get very high, very quick... but you burn out very bad, very fast.
I find a continual supply of caffeine til about 4PM has resolved this issue for me.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Grandpapy I'm getting my piece of contentment this morning served on a silver platter! I am so excited :)

The hub has condescended to accompany me on my 'walk'.
The details of my humiliation are unnecessary. But allow it to be summarized as do not count your chicken(s). That son of a bitch beat me in fucking LOW QUARTERS! He fucking ran my butt off in low quarters! I am so embarrassed you have no idea. I didn't fucking see them until I was laying in (another) neighbors lawn after barfing! I was to pleased with carrying ice water doh!

Only then did I realize I had been trolled, hard, and owned yet again! I swear I saw a fucking sign saying, "All your bases are belong to us!" Now my body responded with this this am.....


GAME ON! FUCK YOU BODY run! I'm out of here.... no more sitting the cool away.... next time he goes on one of my walks god won't make enough f'n moleskin.

Oh and a subtle troll of my own. Today at lunch he's going into a huge bong shop to check on a bong for me. CN does that give you one helluva a visual, it does me :) and today as I lay barfing on some random neighbors lawn I plan to savor that visual!

I may also barf in his fucking low quarters if he ever takes em off again. Asshat... pwned me.... fuck....


Well-Known Member
applying for a better job at 2, i think a wake n bake is in order..


Well-Known Member
Good Morning. This weekend could not have got here soon enough for me. lol It was a long week of work.



Well-Known Member
Good morning RIU! Going to be a busy one today. :leaf::peace::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Good Morning.... beautiful blue cheese has me buzzin....

Cloudy and over cast, probably going to rain soon. Feeling all mellow so here is the fabulous Steve Perry & Journey



Well-Known Member
Good morning RIU. weekend is finally here. gotta crank up the smoker this morning and put a shoulder on. But first I'm gonna crank up this piece of a joint I woke up with. Y'all have a good one;-)