Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I enjoy speedy side effects.I geek out on my house and make it all nice, lol.It makes housework more bearable.
Back in the dexies era I loved them..got shit done... studied law books... took the prerequisite entrance exam and passed for McGill Un. started taking intro courses until I got a grip and realized I couldn't afford it..so went to cegep instead..and took Psyc...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have a really high tolerance, lol.Last time I went to the dentist, he had to keep shooting me full of carbocaine because it kept wearing off...he told me after, "Wow, you took 8 times as much as anyone else!"
I have a low tolerance level to most meds..... but maybe this weekend I'll go full dose and get a clean house. :mrgreen: My house would love me.... it's been so long. :-)

*****Just have to pick up a few packs of gum.... so I don't need anymore crowns.******
Lmao....I've seen folks get like that before.Means you need sleep and food!
Last time I geeked out I stood at the peephole in a hotel door with a handgun in my hands sweating like crazy for many hrs .. I left the door only to go hide in the bathroom to do another blast ...

God ....How I dont miss those days
Heya Chiceh!:hug:
What's up RIU peeps, time to fire it up. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Last time I geeked out I stood at the peephole in a hotel door with a handgun in my hands sweating like crazy for many hrs .. I left the door only to go hide in the bathroom to do another blast ...
God ....How I dont miss those days
LOL.... I hear that vette.. being in a motel nailing the blankets over the windows...... every shadow moved... I know exactly what that feeling is... that was a large factor in my quitting....

What's up RIU peeps, time to fire it up. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:

:cry: I'm sorry!!!!

Big hugs..... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Not Vette.... he had his hard times... but he is spoiled now.
Don't be china..:hug: thanks though..My mom was a spotter (run house to house telling people to close lights) during the Blitz in London.. Like I said, a time and place that most can't comprehend ... but hey, they kept me safe, respectable and for the most part decent ... Hated them as people but loved as parents...:hug:



Well-Known Member
ugh! i hate uppers. i was a big cokehead for like 3 yrs, 3 yrs ago. i cant even take daytime cold meds because they make me feel strung out. and i know exactly what vettes talking about with the gun and peephole thing...no fun in retrospect. i like weed and mdma now, shrooms from time to time.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I didn't see this post....I'm pretty much self educated, what I wanted to learn, I looked up.Never could afford college.If I had stayed in school, I was a straight A student, could have probably gotten a scholarship, but school sucked.
Back in the dexies era I loved them..got shit done... studied law books... took the prerequisite entrance exam and passed for McGill Un. started taking intro courses until I got a grip and realized I couldn't afford it..so went to cegep instead..and took Psyc...
I hear ya, some folks like them, some don't.I force myself to eat, stay hydrated, and sleep.When folks go a few days without sleep, they tend to get weird.
ugh! i hate uppers. i was a big cokehead for like 3 yrs, 3 yrs ago. i cant even take daytime cold meds because they make me feel strung out. and i know exactly what vettes talking about with the gun and peephole thing...no fun in retrospect. i like weed and mdma now, shrooms from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Doing well thanks, the room is almost done now. One more wall to drywall and just the finishing up small stuff. It should be all done this week. :weed:
Nice work girl!!!! A girl with power tools.... cool by me! :hug:

Don't be china..:hug: thanks though..My mom was a spotter (run house to house telling people to close lights) during the Blitz in London.. Like I said, a time and place that most can't comprehend ... but hey, they kept me safe, respectable and for the most part decent ... Hated them as people but loved as parents...:hug:

Yes, I know Twisty.... but I hate to hear about kids growing up that way. The honest truth is you turned out fine and like you said... they had part in that. :hug:


Well-Known Member
ugh! i hate uppers. i was a big cokehead for like 3 yrs, 3 yrs ago. i cant even take daytime cold meds because they make me feel strung out. and i know exactly what vettes talking about with the gun and peephole thing...no fun in retrospect. i like weed and mdma now, shrooms from time to time.
Coke was my cross to bare... Did a line last summer.. no crave, no jones, no like... so that was good.. me I like my weed and frosties... glad we didn't have guns to add to the mix... that would have culled the herd a bit..... :shock:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I didn't see this post....I'm pretty much self educated, what I wanted to learn, I looked up.Never could afford college.If I had stayed in school, I was a straight A student, could have probably gotten a scholarship, but school sucked.

I hear ya, some folks like them, some don't.I force myself to eat, stay hydrated, and sleep.When folks go a few days without sleep, they tend to get weird.

We used to pop speed like candy back in the clubbing days, dance all night long, lol. But then that led to the coke and all that bad scene. I stick to weed now. :weed:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the hell with coke, gotta chase that buzz all around, do more and more to stay up.I took two pills at like 5 am or so this morning, and I'm still going strong.
Coke was my cross to bare... Did a line last summer.. no crave, no jones, no like... so that was good.. me I like my weed and frosties... glad we didn't have guns to add to the mix... that would have culled the herd a bit..... :shock:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I like weed too, but I have really low energy levels, so I get a prescription for adderall.I don't take it every day like the doc wants, just when I need to get a lot of shit done.
We used to pop speed like candy back in the clubbing days, dance all night long, lol. But then that led to the coke and all that bad scene. I stick to weed now. :weed:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My doc is a pill pusher, lol.Yeah, if your tolerance is low, start with a five or ten mg dose.....bet that would do ya.I Take two 30 mg's when I do it. And if I actually ever get spare time to just party and am out for the night, at about midnight I pop one more. But like I said, I'm not someone who takes them a lot.
LMAO..... I am always so tired that maybe I need those instead.


Well-Known Member
My doc is a pill pusher, lol.Yeah, if your tolerance is low, start with a five or ten mg dose.....bet that would do ya.I Take two 30 mg's when I do it. And if I actually ever get spare time to just party and am out for the night, at about midnight I pop one more. But like I said, I'm not someone who takes them a lot.
My doctor gives me just about anything I need.... too many physical issues to even discuss. I would need my own thread. :?


Well-Known Member
We used to pop speed like candy back in the clubbing days, dance all night long, lol. But then that led to the coke and all that bad scene. I stick to weed now. :weed:
Back in the day coke was different then.. the either tasting stuff that would numb your whole face..and felt like a lump in your throat.. then the taste change..then they started to speed it up... now it has meth and garbage.. a friend asked me to freebase a 1/2 g for him last year... you couldn't... wouldn't bind...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Back in the day coke was different then.. the either tasting stuff that would numb your whole face..and felt like a lump in your throat.. then the taste change..then they started to speed it up... now it has meth and garbage.. a friend asked me to freebase a 1/2 g for him last year... you couldn't... wouldn't bind...

Well I am glad I got off it back then eh? I use to snort lots of it. My sinuses are wrecked now because of it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Back in the day coke was different then.. the either tasting stuff that would numb your whole face..and felt like a lump in your throat.. then the taste change..then they started to speed it up... now it has meth and garbage.. a friend asked me to freebase a 1/2 g for him last year... you couldn't... wouldn't bind...
I was always a "downtown" girl... not an "uptown" girl. So I never really got into the speed scene. BUT.... back when I tampered... I know what you mean about the numbing. I could never go up without something to balance things. If I was doing anything I wanted to be smoking or other things along with it...... keep me in check. I think they call that speedballing.....not that I would know.....:hump: