Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ha ha Sounds like me, I start cleaning and uncover more dirt and mess to be cleaned, lol. I have 2 dogs, Labs so I am always sweeping the dog hair up and and I have a hubby and a 5 1/2 year who I find myself picking up after all the time too, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

You got that right. I start with one part of the room and before I know it, I am spring cleaning.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Its amazing what you can find to clean when you are in the zone. I take care of my wife (disabled from a stroke) and pick up after my 21 yr old. He works a 12 hr shift so I help him out since I am home all the time. I really get in the zone when my wife is napping and dont have to stop with whatever I am doing to take care of her needs.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Same here, no stopping me once I am in that cleaning groove, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

Its amazing what you can find to clean when you are in the zone. I take care of my wife (disabled from a stroke) and pick up after my 21 yr old. He works a 12 hr shift so I help him out since I am home all the time. I really get in the zone when my wife is napping and dont have to stop with whatever I am doing to take care of her needs.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
How many of you have smoked in the morning while not having slept at all? I've done a few times but one time it was 26 hours since I slept, and the night before I only slept 2 hours. I smoked a decent amount (but not enough to feel like I did) and came back inside and sat in bed and was having the most hullicinogenic high I've ever had. I can't even remember half the stuff I was thinking.. I remember hearing the birds though and getting freaked out because I thought the sounds were just in my head..and didn't even realize they were birds. I want to do that again.. I can never get that high usually lol


Well-Known Member
How many of you have smoked in the morning while not having slept at all? I've done a few times but one time it was 26 hours since I slept, and the night before I only slept 2 hours. I smoked a decent amount (but not enough to feel like I did) and came back inside and sat in bed and was having the most hullicinogenic high I've ever had. I can't even remember half the stuff I was thinking.. I remember hearing the birds though and getting freaked out because I thought the sounds were just in my head..and didn't even realize they were birds. I want to do that again.. I can never get that high usually lol
lol, it was probably mostly the sleep deprivation. When I used to go a long time without sleeping, I could get really trippy high real easy. I would get to the point where every time I closed my eyes, I would start dreaming, but always right in the middle of a dream. Like I closed my eyes and I was piloting a plane, open them and I'm back, close them and I'm diving into a pool...


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning, rolled off my bed and my girlfriend already had a bong packed up, shotgunned a few hits with her then smoked the rest to my dome, ahh start of a good day, now where did I put my keys?