Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

yes, dirt about at the same level as the driveway...so only about 2'...of course the foundation has to go down at least below the frost line, but there could be a gap between the house foundation and fireplace foundation I suppose. Snakes are like mice...They can get through a tiny gap.

Yeah, might be a place for them to get in, in between those different pours
It was a mold infestation juuuuuust starting. The smell wasn't too bad after the fog spray. I think I am just gonna hope that 6 weeks and a bucket washing will be enough to get anything that did settle into the tents off the buds. The hallway smells worse than the grow room, the hepa filters must be working. Glad I caught it before it took over the whole wall. Blech. :spew:

Can I trade for the snakes?
Did you move? I got my chair from insurance. $31k, my part $800.
Of course I’ve torn it and the walls all to hell!
I put snake deterrent in there last year, that smelled like strong mothballs, and left that door open hoping they would leave, but no. I thought about spraying something in there...bleach maybe.
Stronger isn't always best do you have a snake called a bullsnake if so get one and let it go under the house they eat snakes and when the food is gone the bullsnake will move on

Hope it's a great one :blsmoke: