Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Don't duct up your dogs mouth lol it could have negative dermatalogical effects, not to mention suck getting off.

I'm hitting that 5ft bag again btw. Wake n bake 3 days in a row now: quitting work was a good decision!


New Member
As I was baking this morning's batch of brownies,

I thought about how groovy it must feel to finally cross the threshold and harvest more than you can possibly vaporize.


Then, the chocolaty aroma of decarboxylating vapors filled my mind once again.

It's too bad my domestic partner won't let me buy brownies online.


Well-Known Member
If I ever reach that stage I'll just vape straight into the room, fuck the bag! A THC vapor machine for my Thriller clip.


New Member

For some it feels very nice to take a long, slow slide down a slippery sloping fuzzily rabbit hole and is often best done soon after waking.

Some believe the less frequently they imbibe, the brighter the bibe.

It is like walking into a spiritual boundary wall at great speed.

Think of slapping your hand against water

or a giant pile of pollen.


Well-Known Member
good wake and bake all..

smoking some hash i just got done getting from my harvest...

ill probably end up falling back to sleep afterwards...

but oh well... happy wake and bake non the less... bongsmilie